Ravine with roblox smooth terrain

This is the first time i tried to make a ravine using roblox smooth terrain. Other than the lighting, how does it look? (the terrain is made by hand)


It’s not detailed enough, but at least logical. You’ll need to add rocks and stones, but preferably with assets

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It so far looks quite cool! (I can’t even make that)

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  • Too exaggerated.
  • Grass in places where it doesn’t make sense.
  • Sharp transitions between materials.
  • Colors too bright.

Ravines are usually carved out by flowing water, so they normally don’t have large agressive features. Additionally, those overhangs wouldn’t have grass because grass needs soil and nutrients to grow, which won’t be there on some random overhang. If there was grass on an overhang, it definitely wouldn’t be that green.

Here’s something I made that you might find interesting. Took around 45 minutes, use max graphics. It’s a small chunk of canyon/ravine wall.

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I definitely agreed, I do a bit too much realistic terrain so I tried to do something ‘fantasy’.

Thanks for the feedback, i’ll add some mud/ground around some areas. (the assets i will add later)

I feel like this would make a good racing map,

imagine driving through this and

Jumping over the two sides?