im trying to cast a ray from an attachment, and everything is working fine but for some reason the ray wont position its origin where the attachment is. I dont have any way to “see” where the ray is so its hard to tell whats wrong. There are no errors in my output
Heres the code
local attach = script.Parent
local RayOrigin = script.Parent.Position
local rayDirection =,50,0)
local ray =, rayDirection)
while task.wait(1) do
local hit = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray, {attach})
if hit then
print("Ray was hit by", hit)
print("Ray was not hit")
Its pretty simple, this is my first time raycasting
Help would greatly be appreciated, thank you for your time
The position of an attachment is relative to the center of the block.
Change the origin to
local rayOrigin = part.Position + script.Parent.Position
part being the Parent part of the attachment
We have an attachment here. The position of the part is
The position property of the attachment is also
You notice how they are the exact same positions but the attachment is actually a bit higher than the part’s center.
The reason for that is the position of an attachments is relative to the center of the part. Think of the parts position to be 0,0,0 or the center of the world. The position property is an offset
for goodness sakes. Stop using deprecated methods. Use workspace:RayCast(). Also the issue was with the direction. Instead, use .LookVector * distance to shoot infront. Also use WorldPosition instead of Position. And WorldCFrame too.
local attach = script.Parent
local RayOrigin = script.Parent.WorldPosition
local rayDirection = script.Parent.WorldCFrame.LookVector * 100 -- shoots infront the part by 100 studs
while task.wait(1) do
local hit = workspace:Raycast(RayOrigin, rayDirection)
if hit then
print("Ray was hit by", hit.Instance.Name)
print("Ray was not hit")
I know this is resolved but for the sake of clarity here’s what you would have needed to do to cast the ray from the attachment’s origin to 50 studs above it.
local ray =, RayOrigin +,50,0))