Hi , heres a ray tracing script that is NOT made by me, I just fixed it and add non crashing loading
It still crash when studio close though, The script is made is originally made by oysi
It can somewhat handle 40,000 pixel and does well at 3600 pixel
Can you send a link to the script? And instructions on how to add it?
How did you run 3,600 pixels? when i was using this script long ago it didn’t work, script would say same issue with mine rtx, “exhausted time”, even with while wait() do, wait(1)
Idk, Im just taking their script and added Part check + Slower loading and swab out the FindPartOnRay, Ill post when im free,Also what i meant was it is able to run 60 by 60 in realtime
Okay wait (asdadkjwkejqwqieuqwieu)
So, here, i add workspace.part.shape, because just part.shape.name doesn’t work
-- Script made by Oysi
-- Player declarations
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local char
local w = game.Workspace
-- Get character
repeat char = player.Character wait(1/30) until char
-- Path declarations
local dev = script.Parent
local render = dev.screen.render
local settings = dev.settings
-- Rendering declarations
local pixels
local screen
local sctemp
local res
local fps = 0
-- Setup display
function setupDisplay()
pixels = {}
screen = {}
sctemp = {}
for x = 1, res do
pixels[x] = {}
screen[x] = {}
sctemp[x] = {}
for y = 1, res do
local pixel = Instance.new("Frame")
pixel.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(50/255, 100/255, 150/255)
pixel.BackgroundTransparency = 0
pixel.BorderSizePixel = 0
pixel.Size = UDim2.new(1/res, 0, 1/res, 0)
pixel.Position = UDim2.new((x - 1)/res, 0, (y - 1)/res, 0)
pixel.ZIndex = 2
pixel.Parent = render
pixels[x][y] = pixel
screen[x][y] = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, h = false, d = nil}
sctemp[x][y] = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, h = false, d = nil}
-- Ray cast
function rayCast(pos, dir, ignore)
return workspace:FindPartOnRay(Ray.new(pos, dir), ignore)
-- Get normal
function getNormal(part, pos)
if w.Part.Shape.Name == "Block" then
local dif = part.CFrame:pointToObjectSpace(pos) / part.Size
local rot = part.CFrame - part.CFrame.p
if dif.x < -0.4999 then return rot * Vector3.new(-1, 0, 0)
elseif dif.x > 0.4999 then return rot * Vector3.new( 1, 0, 0)
elseif dif.y < -0.4999 then return rot * Vector3.new(0, -1, 0)
elseif dif.y > 0.4999 then return rot * Vector3.new(0, 1, 0)
elseif dif.z < 0.4999 then return rot * Vector3.new(0, 0, -1)
elseif dif.z > 0.4999 then return rot * Vector3.new(0, 0, 1)
else return Vector3.new(0, 1, 0)
elseif w.Part.Shape.Name == "Ball" then
return (pos - part.Position).unit
-- Do wait
local lastWait = tick()
function doWait()
if tick() - lastWait > 1/30 then
lastWait = tick()
-- Ray trace
function rayTrace(pos0, dir, ignore, numRays)
local hit, pos = rayCast(pos0, dir*settings.display.rayLength.Value, ignore)
local r, g, b = 0, 0, 0
-- Hit
if hit then
local N = getNormal(hit, pos)
local S = N:Dot(game.Lighting:GetSunDirection())
-- Is facing sun
if S > 0 then
local lit = true
-- Shadows
if settings.shading.shadows.Value == 1 then
if rayCast(pos, game.Lighting:GetSunDirection()*settings.display.rayLength.Value, hit) then
lit = false
-- Diffuse shading
if settings.shading.diffuse.Value == 1 and lit then
r = r + hit.Color.r*S
g = g + hit.Color.g*S
b = b + hit.Color.b*S
-- Specular shading
if settings.shading.specular.Value == 1 and lit then
local R = dir - 2*N*dir:Dot(N)
local spec = R:Dot(game.Lighting:GetSunDirection())
if spec > 0 then
spec = spec^settings.shading.specular.power.Value
spec = spec*settings.shading.specular.intensity.Value/100
r = r + spec
g = g + spec
b = b + spec
-- Ambient shading
if settings.shading.ambient.Value == 1 then
r = math.max(r, hit.Color.r*0.3)
g = math.max(g, hit.Color.g*0.3)
b = math.max(b, hit.Color.b*0.3)
-- Reflection
if hit.Reflectance > 0 and numRays < settings.display.maxRays.Value then
local R = dir - 2*N*dir:Dot(N)
local r2, g2, b2, h2, d2 = rayTrace(pos + R*0.01, R, ignore, numRays + 1)
r = r*(1 - hit.Reflectance) + r2*hit.Reflectance
g = g*(1 - hit.Reflectance) + g2*hit.Reflectance
b = b*(1 - hit.Reflectance) + b2*hit.Reflectance
-- Sky
r = r + 100/255
g = g + 175/255
b = b + 250/255
return r, g, b, hit ~= nil, dir
-- Rendering
while true do
-- Realtime resolution change
if res ~= settings.display.res.Value then
res = settings.display.res.Value
-- Declarations
local ignore = (camera.CoordinateFrame.p - camera.Focus.p).magnitude < 1 and char or nil
local frame0 = camera.CoordinateFrame
local pos0 = frame0.p
local start = tick()
-- FoV depth
local depth = 1/math.tan(math.rad(settings.display.fov.Value)/2)
-- Cast rays
for x = 1, res do
for y = 1, res do
local xPos = 2*(x - 1)/(res - 1) - 1
local yPos = 2*(y - 1)/(res - 1) - 1
-- Cast ray
local pos1 = frame0 * Vector3.new(xPos, -yPos, -depth)
local r, g, b, h, d = rayTrace(pos0, (pos1 - pos0).unit, ignore, 1)
-- Update screen data
local s = screen[x][y]
s.r = r s.g = g s.b = b s.h = h s.d = d
-- Update temp data
local t = sctemp[x][y]
t.r = r t.g = g t.b = b t.h = h t.d = d
-- Pixel shaders
-- Sun shader
for x = 1, res do
for y = 1, res do
local s = screen[x][y]
if not s.h then
local sun = s.d:Dot(game.Lighting:GetSunDirection())
if sun > 0 then
sun = sun^50
s.r = s.r + sun*253/255
s.g = s.g + sun*184/255
s.b = s.b + sun*019/255
-- Update temp
for x = 1, res do
for y = 1, res do
local s = screen[x][y]
local t = sctemp[x][y]
t.r = s.r t.g = s.g t.b = s.b
-- Get sun position
local dif = frame0:pointToObjectSpace(frame0.p + game.Lighting:GetSunDirection()*999)
local px = dif.x / -dif.z * depth
local py = dif.y / dif.z * depth
local sx = math.floor((px + 1)/2 * res + 0.5)
local sy = math.floor((py + 1)/2 * res + 0.5)
-- God rays
if settings.shaders.godRays.Value == 1 and dif.z < 0 then
local samples = settings.shaders.godRays.samples.Value
local density = settings.shaders.godRays.density.Value/100
local weight = settings.shaders.godRays.weight.Value/100 * frame0.lookVector:Dot(game.Lighting:GetSunDirection())
local decay = settings.shaders.godRays.decay.Value/100
local hit = settings.shaders.godRays.hit.Value/100
local sky = settings.shaders.godRays.sky.Value/100
for x = 1, res do
for y = 1, res do
local s = screen[x][y]
local xd = (x - sx)/samples * density
local yd = (y - sy)/samples * density
local illuminationDecay = 1
for i = 1, samples do
local nx = math.floor(x - xd*i + 0.5)
local ny = math.floor(y - yd*i + 0.5)
if nx >= 1 and nx <= res and ny >= 1 and ny <= res then
local o = sctemp[nx][ny]
local c = o.h and hit or sky
local factor = illuminationDecay * weight
s.r = s.r + o.r*c*factor*253/255
s.g = s.g + o.g*c*factor*184/255
s.b = s.b + o.b*c*factor*019/255
illuminationDecay = illuminationDecay * decay
-- Display image
for x = 1, res do
for y = 1, res do
local s = screen[x][y]
pixels[x][y].BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(
math.min(math.max(s.r, 0), 1),
math.min(math.max(s.g, 0), 1),
math.min(math.max(s.b, 0), 1)
-- Calculate fps
fps = fps + (1/(tick() - start) - fps)/math.max(fps, 2)
dev.screen.fps.Text = "Fps: " .. math.floor(fps*10 + 0.5)/10
Ill help you at 4:00 bkk time chars chars
16:00? I will wait, thanks (11111212312312)
From what I’ve seen you are using the old one which uses findpartonray, You should replace it with this one
If it still crash i suggest lowering the resolution to 60, I used it at 200 for texting purposes, Also itll load longer than Oysi as that prevented crashing
God, thanks, it’s now works, i can now take some cool photos
Roblox Studio crashed when leaving game xD
You could try on a more powerful pc though. Havent tryed on my new pc.
- AMD Ryzen 3 Pro
- 16GB RAM
- 256GB SSD
- AMD integrated graphics
- Gigabit Ethernet
How could it be not enough?
Probably integrated graphics (mine doesn’t crash, but my old mac does ) mine is
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
RTX 3060 12 GB
500 GB SSD and a 2 TB hard drive
Idk for internet