Raycast does not fit in parts canCollide false

robloxapp-20241021-2019316.wmv (1,5 Mo)
Hello, my problem is in video, the raycast does not fit the object into a part
Thanks to everyone helps !

The problem from my understanding is the ray cast is not ignoring a part.

This is a simple fix. You will need raycastParams to fix this

the code should look like this

local RaycastParamiters = RaycastParams.new()

RaycastParamiters.FilterDescendantsInstances = {} -- a table of parts you want it to ignore
RaycastParamiters.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude -- This is telling the raycast to ignore the parts

workspace:Raycast(Position, Direction * disntace, RaycastParamiters) -- do your raycast

Hope this helps

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Hello, I already have a line doing this, but as long as the part does not have its CanQuery in false, the grab object does not pass inside. Thanks for your help

local _, p, n = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray, {script.Parent, selObj, p.Character, workspace:WaitForChild("IgnoredPart")})

→ The object can pass through the part, but cannot enter inside

→ When CanQuery is false, the button no longer works but the problem is solved (I use Zone+ for the button)

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I finally gave up on ZonePlus and created a completely new script, which is much better and much more convenient. Thanks for helping me though!

robloxapp-20241022-1855252.wmv (1,1 Mo)