I’m trying to make a bomb for my game called the disco bomb, and I wanted to add a visual effect that makes a dance floor spawn at the position under the bomb. I’m currently having two issues where
The loop never breaks for some reason, and the bomb never gets deleted and the dance floor never becomes visible.
The dance floor kind of floats of the floor even though I want it to go directly under the bomb and lay on top of a part on the ground.
I’m not sure why this is happening, and there are no errors in the console that I can follow that can help me figure out a solution to these two issues.
Here is the script.
local region3Visual = Instance.new("Part") -- The visualized part for the region3.
region3Visual.Name = "blastRadiousVisual"
region3Visual.CanCollide = false
region3Visual.Size = region3.Size
region3Visual.CFrame = region3.CFrame
region3Visual.Anchored = true
region3Visual.Transparency = .5
region3Visual.Parent = workspace.Terrain
region3Visual.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Persimmon")
local explosion = Instance.new("Explosion") -- The explosion instance
explosion.Parent = bomb
explosion.Position = bomb.Position
explosion.BlastRadius = 0
explosion.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = 0
explosion.BlastPressure = 0
explosion.BlastRadius = blastRegion3L
local overlapParams = OverlapParams.new()
overlapParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {tool, tool.Handle, region3Visual}
local parts = workspace:GetPartBoundsInBox(region3.CFrame, region3.Size, overlapParams)
local discoBall = tool:WaitForChild("DiscoBall"):Clone() -- A disco ball which I've yet to add.
discoBall.Parent = bomb
local danceFloor = tool:WaitForChild("DanceFloor"):Clone() -- The Dance Floor
danceFloor.Parent = bomb
local origin = bomb.Position
local direction = Vector3.new(0, -50, 0)
local floorRaycast
local raycastParams = RaycastParams.new()
raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
raycastParams.IgnoreWater = true
raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {tool, user, region3Visual}
while task.wait() do
floorRaycast = workspace:Raycast(origin, direction, raycastParams) -- The raycast that points downwards from the bomb to figure out where the dance floor should be placed.
if floorRaycast then
if floorRaycast.Instance:IsA("Part") or floorRaycast.Instance:IsA("Union") then
for i, v in pairs(danceFloor:GetDescendants()) do -- Makes the dance floor visible after its position is set, doesn't appear for some reason in the first issue listed.
if v:IsA("Part") then
v.Transparency = 0