Raycast Filtering not working?

Hey, and thanks for reading in advance.

In a class based fighter I’m helping to code, one of our classes is Ninja - it has the ability to perform a midair jump and bounce off walls before landing. I’m attempting to use a ray to make sure the character is in midair before performing the double-jump, but the blacklist isn’t ignoring parts that are attached to my character. The armor welded onto me is contained in a single model parented to my character, and multiple print tests have yielded the ray is being blocked by parts contained within the armor.


	if SetClass == "Ninja" then
		local hState = Humanoid:GetState()
		if hState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall
			and not WallBounce and CanCast("PSV") and CanUse("PSV") then
			local params = RaycastParams.new()
			params.FilterDescendantsInstances = {Player.Character}
			params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
			params.CollisionGroup = "Player"
			params.IgnoreWater = true
			local Down = workspace:Raycast(Root.Position, Vector3.new(0, -4, 0))
			if Down then
			if not Down then
				WallBounce = true; WallDive()

Even explicitly adding my character’s armor to the blacklist didn’t work. Is something wrong here? Does CollisionGroup override the blacklist? I don’t get what the issue is.

You never passed the parameters into the Raycast function

Wait, nevermind. I’m a moron. Didn’t see that I wasn’t actually using the parameters in the raycast method.