Raycast gun not dealing damage to players when shot in the head, only the body

Can’t find a similar issue to mine surprisingly.

Here is a visual of what’s happening:

Here is the code that is supposed to damage the player:

GunEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, BPoint, Mouse, tool)
    local info = require(rep.GunModules[tool.Name])
    local ignore = {player.Character, tool}
    local ray = Ray.new(BPoint, (Mouse-BPoint).Unit*250)
    local bullet, Position = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray, ignore, false, true)


    if bullet then
	    local hum = bullet.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	    if bullet.Parent ~= nil and hum then

I genuinely have no idea, or even a theory as to why it’s happening. Help is mucho appreciado!

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It may be because you are hitting the characters hair, which is a mesh, therefore this would return the hit parts parent as a hat, which does not contain a humanoid child.

local hum = bullet.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	    if bullet.Parent ~= nil and hum then


as @AlbertSeir has mentioned, you are hitting the player’s hat, as a fix, instead of searching just the parent of the hit object, use :FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model") to get the hit model, then check that for the humanoid.

    local info = require(rep.GunModules[tool.Name])
    local ignore = {player.Character, tool}
    local ray = Ray.new(BPoint, (Mouse-BPoint).Unit*250)
    local bullet, Position = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray, ignore, false, true)


    if bullet then
		if bullet:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model") then
			local hum = bullet:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model"):FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
			if bullet.Parent ~= nil and hum then

This is very likely the issue, what I’d recommend is to make a table of all the players (with just GetPlayers) and then loop to find if the hit part is a descendant of any of the player’s characters (:IsDescendantOf()). This of course wouldn’t work on dummies tho

Alternatively, you could check if hit is a descendant of a Model (FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA or something) and then check that model for a humanoid

Edit: it would appear that as I was typing this @Kaid3n22 beat me to it with the whole findfirstancestorofclass thing
f lol

It worked! Thank you so much. I feel very dumb not knowing that FindFirstAncestor stuff existed, definitely will help me in the future.

How would we find player’s head from this solution?