Raycast ignores some parts

I’m trying to create a gun system, while using a revamped version of Ray Reflection to achieve some extra functions for special guns, but currently, i have a problem. Sometimes the Raycast completely ignores some parts, the bullet doesn’t reflect, and continues moving forward, not sure the reason of why, the bullet movement function works with Stepped, and it’s supposed to constantly Raycast to check if there’s a wall or something there, here is the main function of the script (If it isn’t sufficient information, then i can give you the full script):

local Bullet = game.Workspace.Bullet
local StudsPerSecond = 10

local CurrentPosition = script.Parent.Position
local CurrentNormal = script.Parent.CFrame.LookVector

game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(function(_A, StepTime)
	local Speed = StepTime * StudsPerSecond
	local Position
	local Direction = CurrentNormal * (OverrideDistance or Speed)
	--//Create Ray:
	local RayParams = RaycastParams.new()
	RayParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
	RayParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {script.Parent, game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Bullets")} --// This is supposed to ignore the current bullets in game and the current gun part that fires the bullet.
	local Result = game.Workspace:Raycast(CurrentPosition, Direction)
	if Result then
		Position = Result.Position
		Position = CurrentPosition + (CurrentNormal * Speed)
	local OldPos = CurrentPosition
	CurrentPosition = Position
	if Result then
		local ResultNormal = Result.Normal
		local Reflect = (CurrentNormal - (2 * CurrentNormal:Dot(ResultNormal) * ResultNormal))
		CurrentNormal = Reflect
		OverrideDistance = (StudsPerSecond / 10 + 1) - (Position - OldPos).Magnitude

	--// Move bullet:
	Bullet.CFrame = CFrame.new(CurrentPosition, Bullet.Position)

I tried to make stuff such as revamping the script, making the ray longer, or change the formula a bit, however, nothing helped, or it wasn’t efficient. I’m not sure what can i do, any help is really appreciated. Thanks for reading. :+1: