I want to be able to detect if a wall is in front of a player or not. The problem that I’m running into is that the RayCast function is returning true, even if there isn’t a wall in front of the player. I used constraints to visualize the ray but that was working normally so I don’t really know where I went wrong. I looked for solutions on the DevHub and also here, on DevForum, but they didn’t have the same problem as me.
Here’s the code:
function isWall()
local rayOrigin = HumanoidRootPart.Position;
local rayDirection = HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector * Vector3.new(3,3,3) + HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position;
local rayParam = RaycastParams.new();
rayParam.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist;
rayParam.FilterDescendantsInstances = wallParam --wallParam just consists of the Character's children.
local rayCast = workspace:Raycast(rayOrigin,rayDirection,rayParam);
visualizeRay(rayOrigin,rayDirection) --Just a function to visualize the ray via constraints
if rayCast then
return {true,rayCast.Normal}
return false
Now if I run this function when I stand over here,
It returns false. Notice how the rod is touching the wall, but it still returns false.
If I run this function when I stand over here,
It returns true, even if the ray didn’t go in that direction. It could just be that my rod constraint script isn’t properly visualizing the ray so I’ll leave the script for that here just in case.
function visualizeRay(origin,direction)
local AttachmentA = Instance.new("Attachment",workspace.Terrain)
local AttachmentB = Instance.new("Attachment",workspace.Terrain)
AttachmentA.Position = origin
AttachmentB.Position = direction
local RodConstraint = Instance.new("RodConstraint",workspace.Terrain)
RodConstraint.Attachment0 = AttachmentA
RodConstraint.Attachment1 = AttachmentB
RodConstraint.Visible = true
other than that, I’m pretty much done. I hope you guys can find a solution. Thank you.