I think i might just not understand raycasting, but every time i try to raycast it returns nil.
Here is an example:
print(workspace:Raycast(Vector3.new(10.205, 1155.83, 35.397), Vector3.new(10.205, 1155.83, 48.308)))
I think i might just not understand raycasting, but every time i try to raycast it returns nil.
Here is an example:
print(workspace:Raycast(Vector3.new(10.205, 1155.83, 35.397), Vector3.new(10.205, 1155.83, 48.308)))
accepts three parameters:
You provided the function with the Position of the first block and the position of the second block. Here’s a simple drawing of where the ray is going.
We can take the direction according to the above picture.
local result = workspace:Raycast(partA.Position, partB.Position - partA.Position)
Should you prefer to specify the magnitude of your directional vector yourself, you can multiply the distance with a unit vector (length of 1).
local result = workspace:Raycast(partA.Position, (partB.Position - partA.Position).Unit * 100)
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