After exported it and imported it into Roblox Studio. Im Raycasting, hitting the sphere, and the hit is successfull but normals is nil, heres the code:
local raycastParams =
raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {script.Parent}
raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
local rayOrigin = script.Parent.Position
local rayDestination = game.Workspace.Sphere.Attachment.WorldPosition
local rayDirection = rayDestination - rayOrigin
while true do
local hit, position, normal = game.Workspace:Raycast(rayOrigin, rayDirection, raycastParams)
if hit then
warn(hit.Instance) -- This is showing the sphere instance in output
warn(normal) -- This is nil
if normal then
local inclination = math.deg(math.acos(normal.Z))
print(inclination) -- print the inclination angle
What should I do to read the angle inclination of a surface?
This returns a RaycastResult, not tuple, so with your current code do this:
local result = game.Workspace:Raycast(rayOrigin, rayDirection, raycastParams)
if result then
local hit, position, normal = result.Instance, result.Position, result.Normal
Nope, thats not the normal I want to get, thats the Result.Normal, and its about the object orientation, I want to get the Surface normal, which as far as I understand can be obtained like this:
Its the angle inclination of the surface at hit point
-- Define the origin point and direction of the ray
local origin =, 0, 0) -- Start at the origin
local direction =, 0, 0) -- Go in the positive X direction
-- Perform the raycast
local hit, hitPos, hitNorm = workspace:Raycast(origin, direction)
-- Check if the ray hit an object
if hit then
-- Print the surface normal of the hit point
-- Print a message if the ray did not hit an object
print("The ray did not hit any objects.")
Ok, but, then Im getting the same reading no matter where the hit point is, no matter where I hit the sphere its always the same reading. Only when I rotate the sphere I get different readings. Is that the surface angle inclination then?
My assumption is that raycasting treats it like a cube. Is this a MeshPart? I’m not sure if raycasts work properly with meshes. Can you create a little part at the ray’s end point to see if it’s hitting a cube face or a mesh face?
I’m really not sure what he’s talking about. All parts have normal vectors and you definitely can’t get three separate returns out of Raycast. Are you familiar with what a surface normal is?
Also what are you trying to do? If it’s important we might be able to find a workaround.
Nope, not really, I know almost nothing about normal maps.
I’ve never used Raycast trying to get those 3 values, I always used it like @SubtotalAnt8185 suggest, but this time Im trying to get the angle inclination of the hit point on a sphere.
For example, do a Raycast, find the inclination surface angle and the place a part in there that is aligned 90° in relation with the sphere. Similar to the first image I sent from blender, where little lines are aligned 90° like coming out of the sphere.
Totally true, using that Normal angle make it works, thank you so much. I was confused cause ppl told me about the “different surface normal” I dont know why I didnt tried with the Result.Normal in first place