Raycast suspension car seemingly teleporting

I have a raycast suspension car that in specific circumstances seems to abruptly change positions, like in this example here:

This only happens in specific cirumstances, for example like when one of the wheels has a raycast hit position lower than the other 3.

The car’s suspension forces are not multiplied by the raycast’s surface normal, just Vector3.new(0,1,0) , so there is not any forward/backward force causing this issue. I also do not have any code that alters the car’s position and/or velocity.
Any help with solving this is appreciated.

Maybe the car would not to teleport because it would not work

Wow, very insightful information. Thank you.

Does your Raycast have some sort LastPosition savings?

Nope. I have tried other methods that save the last ray distance etc. but the same thing happens with them.

Does your car have some sort of PrimaryPart, then i’d suggest using PivotTo

car:PivotTo(car.PrimaryPart.CFrame + Vector3.new(0, 1, 0))