Raycast Suspension just keeps going up

im attempting to create a raycast suspension but the problem is that it keeps going up
i think how im caculating the forces but im lost really, ive even tried clamping the force but that didnt work

Suspension Class

local Suspension = {}
Suspension.__index = Suspension

function Suspension.new(part, height, length, stiffness, damping)
	local self = setmetatable({}, Suspension)

	self.part = part
	self.height = height
	self.length = length
	self.stiffness = stiffness
	self.damping = damping
	local size = part.Size / 2
	local frontLeftCorner = part.CFrame * CFrame.new(size.X, -self.height, -size.Z)
	local frontRightCorner = part.CFrame * CFrame.new(-size.X, -self.height, -size.Z)
	local rearLeftCorner = part.CFrame * CFrame.new(size.X, -self.height, size.Z)
	local rearRightCorner = part.CFrame * CFrame.new(-size.X, -self.height, size.Z)
	self.corners = {frontLeftCorner, frontRightCorner, rearLeftCorner, rearRightCorner}

	self.restingPosition = part.CFrame
	return self

function Suspension:update(dt)
	local forces = Vector3.new()
	for i = 1, #self.corners do
		local corner = self.corners[i]
		local ray = Ray.new(corner.Position, corner.UpVector * -self.length)
		local hit, position, normal = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray, {self.part})
		if hit then
			local distance = (corner.Position - position).Magnitude
			local compression = self.length - distance
			forces = forces + normal * compression * self.stiffness
	local velocity = (self.part.CFrame.Position - self.restingPosition.Position) / dt 
	local dampingForce = -velocity * self.damping
	dampingForce = Vector3.new(dampingForce.X, 0, dampingForce.Z)
	forces = forces + dampingForce 
	local acceleration = forces / self.part:GetMass()
	local newPosition = self.part.CFrame.Position + velocity * dt + acceleration * dt * dt
	self.part.CFrame = CFrame.new(newPosition, newPosition + self.part.CFrame.lookVector) + self.part.CFrame:vectorToObjectSpace(Vector3.new(0, self.length, 0))

return Suspension

Usage In Script

local Suspension = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Common.CarController)

local car = workspace.car
local part = car.PrimaryPart

local suspension = Suspension.new(part, 2, 1, 0.1, 1)


This post is quite old, but for the chance that you are still stuck on this, I think your raycast is hitting the car itself which is causing the suspension to get away from your car, causing it to fly. Where you raycast, add a raycast params that filters out your car model.