Raycasting help

I have a spinning part with a beam parented to it, I want the beam to go in front of
whatever it hits; therefore, I am using RayCasting. I wrote code to send out a ray that is always in front of the spinning part, but it only detects things it hits at a certain ‘rotation’?

robloxapp-20220708-1343208.wmv (653.9 KB)


local partA = script.Parent
local beamAtt1 = partA.Attachment1

while task.wait(0.01) do
	partA.CFrame *= CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(1), 0) -- Spin
	local rayOrigin = partA.Position 
	local rayDirection = partA.CFrame.Position -- Shoot out from the spinning part
	local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(rayOrigin, rayDirection)
	if (raycastResult) then
		beamAtt1.WorldPosition = raycastResult.Position -- Put beam in front of hit

I am new to RayCasting, so if someone could explain to me what I am doing wrong, I would appreciate it.

if youd like the ray to shoot out in the direction the part is facing i do suggesting using LookVector

directions = part.CFrame.LookVector

im not really understanding the issue, but fromw hat ive read this should be helpful.

If you watch the video, then you can see how the beam stops only on a certain part, while ignoring the rest.

I tried this and now it ignores everything.

What I want:

What I get:

I think you need to add RaycastParams to your Raycast.

Hi there!
I edited your code and your part a little bit to get this result:
robloxapp-20220708-2009303.wmv (1.6 MB)
First, I changed partA.CFrame.LookVector to partA.CFrame.LookVector * 100 to give it a range of 100 studs
I also added an attachment into that part for it to serve as the default position of partA.Attachment1
So here’s the full code:

local partA = script.Parent
local beamAtt1 = partA.Attachment1

while task.wait(0.01) do
	partA.CFrame *= CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(1), 0) -- Spin
	local rayOrigin = partA.Position 
	local rayDirection = partA.CFrame.LookVector * 100 -- Shoot out from the spinning part with a range of 100 studs
	local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(rayOrigin, rayDirection)
	if (raycastResult) then
		beamAtt1.WorldPosition = raycastResult.Position -- Put beam in front of hit
		beamAtt1.WorldPosition = partA.DefPos.WorldPosition -- Put Attachment1 to its default position

I hope this could help you!

Thank you, this works. Just it has problems when the ray hits the void, but it’s alright, I am using it inside a building.

What kind of problem though? Could you please post a video showing it, so that I may help you with it?

It’s fine, really, but this is what is happening:

robloxapp-20220708-1433413.wmv (1.0 MB)
You can see that it keeps its length from the last thing it hit, I tried multiplying the position, but it ends up disappearing while it hits the void, it reappears when it hits a part again.

Strange, mine works perfectly fine and there isn’t any such bug, did you put the ‘DefPos’ Attachment 100 studs (or the range you chose) in front of the part? (sorry for not mentioning that, as I completely forgot it)