I have a grid of blocks which are 1x1x1, which can either be ‘empty’ or ‘solid’. I have a Ray (the purple point+line) and I would like to find where it intersects a solid block, and the normal of that intersection (the blue point+arrow).
In pure Lua (i.e. not using FindPartOnRay), how would I go about doing this? I’ve looked online and tried implementing a couple algorithms but it didn’t work correctly, and I didn’t quite understand them properly.
These blocks aren’t real parts, they’re data stored in a Lua array, so using FindPartOnRay would not be viable. The photo in the OP is just for reference.
I can’t do this as the actual grid of blocks is extremely large. There are over one million blocks, and the cost of initialising and destroying those instances would freeze the game for a short while.
I see. If you want to raycast on a block grid then you first need to define the ray. The ray as normal, has an origin and a direction. The line equation then is
Then we have to find out when the line enters a new a grid-cell. This happens when a coordinate “crosses” a whole number boundary, so when for example the x-coordinate changes from 2.4 to 1.8 this would represent entering a new block on the grid. So you can go in intervals of Length 1 and check wether you’re in a new grid cell by looking at the change in x,y and z coordinates and then check if you hit a block by checking if the cell is solid. If it’s not you keep moving along in the direction of the ray.
I saw this solution some places online, but it wouldn’t be accurate. Consider this case:
Even though we are incrementing by a length of 1 each time, the ray can still cut corners. It’d be much more ideal if there was a way of getting the precise hit location algebraically.
I still believe the old algorithm can be saved, if you check wether you’ve crossed more than a single whole number boundary. The algorithm in the pdf seems to be way better though.