Raycasts not shooting in the correct directions

Im trying to make raycasted shrapnel, shooting out of an origin point in all directions
First I use the function below to get a random position around the origin point that is 100 studs away in magnitude

local function GetRandomAround(OrigPos)
	local t = math.random() * 2 * math.pi
	local p = math.random() * math.pi
	local x = RayLength * math.sin(p) * math.cos(t)
	local y = RayLength * math.sin(p) * math.sin(t)
	local z = RayLength * math.cos(p)

	return OrigPos + Vector3.new(x, y, z)

Then, im basically just doing this to cast the ray in the direction returned by the function i mentioned.

rayDirection = GetRandomAround(Origin) 
local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(Origin, rayDirection, RayParams)

The issue i’m having is that the rays (red lines) do not shoot in the correct direction (purple blocks) but instead they all shoot in a similar direction and changes depending on where the origin part is.

Here you can see what I mean with how the direction changes depending on where the origin part is located (i put it in a loop)

All the visualization of the rays are correct.
All help is appreciated!