Rbx-export: Easily convert Roblox Models to folder/file structure

Introducing rbx-export

rbx-export is a small and helpful tool written in Javascript, and intended for use in Nodejs. It allows you to easily convert a Roblox model to a file/folder structure, which is ideal to upload to Github or other code sharing services.

It’s intended to make sharing code easier. If people want it, the ability to convert files from this standard back to a Roblox model is planned.

If you have an issue with the format we export to (how we represent the scripts/folders), feel free to open an issue on the repo.

Check it out:

How it works

You need to export a module as XML for it to work.

It takes your file, and searches through the items. If something is a script, modulescript or localscript it will save it as: Class name-Script name.lua.

However, if it is something else, such as a part, it will be saved as Item name.Class name, and the content will be a dump of it’s properties. If an item has children, they will be saved within a folder under the same name, minus an extension.

If you have several items with the same name, you may experience unexpected behaviour.

If you have any questions, please take a look at the Github/NPM readme for more info :slight_smile:

Posted on behalf of @Neztore


Neat, but the lua files it exports seem useless from looking at the source code. The 2 big script syncers nowadays (Rojo and Rofresh) both use .server.lua to reference Scripts, .client.lua to reference LocalScripts, and .lua to reference ModuleScripts.

I wasn’t aware of that, and I’ll change that now.
This is intended to be a more light weight exporter.

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Just letting you know that the formatting update is out

missed opportunity to make it Rbxport


I think something for converting this format back to rbxmx would be very nice.
EDIT: One issue I have though is data about the script objects is lost. This might break any scripts using linked objects or which need to be disabled by default.

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Since the creation, there has been various updates to this project. No updates will be pushed in the future. Feel free to fork the repo and continue it on your own.

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