Rbxassetid Finder

This has been deemed a useless resource as seen in the feedback from multiple developers, so there is no need to add new replies or even read the rest of this; Roblox just won’t let me take the whole post down.

Hello, friends!

I made a very simple rbxassetid finder that’s based off of the one from Basic Admin Essentials 2.0. It’s pretty self-explanatory, but I have always been annoyed when an image is formatted as http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=0 instead of rbxassetid://0, so this should be able to help with that. If you are confused on how to use it, there’s an instructions script inside of the model. Just put the Client UI into StarterGUI and playtest the game. All decals and images should be converted, as I tested it with a couple of different ones with no issues. If there are any problems then feel free to reply to this thread.

Model link: rbxassetid Finder - Roblox


Studio automatically does this in anything that requires an asset id.


It used to not do so, is it updated for this? I mean kudos to Roblox if they finally did this.


It always has, when inputting a decal id or something along the lines of that, it will automatically be converted to a image id.


Ah, well. I’ll still keep this up because it might be useful somewhere to someone.


i see 0 use for this. roblox autoconverts, as @2jammers pointed out. not only that but it would of worked a lot better as a plugin so that we didn’t have to playtest and copy the images from the play session. really useless resource.


Due to feedback from multiple developers, I have concluded that this is not a useful resource, and the post should be removed, but I can’t do that because it has replies attached. Instead, I’ll edit the post to include this notice.


Although it might have no use cases, I believe it is a good insight and your heart is in the right place in making QOL (Quality of Life) improvements!


Good resource for starters, it might not be liked though it can be useful sometimes.


Honestly creating a module to easily convert Decal IDs to Asset IDs would be nice. I’ve experienced that in Roblox while running a live game instance and loading images that were uploaded as Decal IDs (because a clean codebase with ~30 images is hard to keep track of if every single one is just “rbxassetid://49835792834”) and every time, because Decal IDs don’t get automatically switched by the game engine, they’ll appear transparent. I found some random method for converting them but it would be nice to just pass the Decal ID to a module and it’ll return the formatted link.

Here’s the method: “rbxthumb://type=Asset&id=” … “ASSETID_HERE” … “&w=150&h=150” (and yes, maybe adding to the module the ability to pass a width and height would be nice, or if none are passed, it could default to 150x150.)