"rbxassetid" Of The Studio Explorer Icons?

Hey Devforumers!

Is there an official decal id of the Model icon in the studio explorer? Ditto for the Configuration folder icon, Folder icon, and Tool icon.

Thanks in advance!


Class icons don’t get decal ids because they’re stored locally.

StudioService:GetClassIcon looks like it can be used to obtain the image for Model or any of the other classes.




to get a sprite sheet of all the explorer icons and use an ImageRectSize for your imagelabel/button of


Then set the ImageRectOffset to

Vector2.new(16*Num, 0)

where num is the number in the sprite sheet, you’ll need to experiment with this but they all are in there, all the way up to Num == 120 (1920 Pixels).
Note they’re all 16x16 so they don’t look that good when scaled up, but hope this helps!

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@Halalaluyafail3 @Styre_x
I need this for a plugin icon, how would I go about doing this?

Plugin Icons cannot use sprite sheets, you will need to upload the image itself.

I really don’t like uploading images (always get denied) but I’m browsing the Roblox files on my PC to see if I can find the image of the class icons. Do you know if they are there?