Rbxasset://textures\\ what is this?

I was going through some free gun models and I ran across this code:

Normally if I was going to identify a decal or something I would do:

local decal= "rbxassetid://thenumber"; 

But on this script I see:

local tex = "rbxasset://textures\\GunCursor.png"

What is this?
I am assuming this is like. roblox texture library, if so where do I find this?


forgive if this is the wrong topic pls

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this is a local file on that person’ computer I think.

really, they why is it rbsasset instead of like ./users/folder/item

because roblox doesn’t work that way.
and its a local file uploaded so liek it exists in roblox computer or smthg? idk idk idk

I think probably to hide the persons name because local
files do have the persons name in the path

rbxasset:// is basically just accessing the root Roblox install folder. For example, if I wanted to access rbxasset://textures\ArrowCursor.png, I would just type:

local tex = "rbxasset://textures\\ArrowCursor.png"

Typing that should return this:


Where. can I find all the things in this folder?

they are in your Roblox Studio or Roblox files i think.
sorry i didnt mean local files i meant just files lol im dumdum