Rbxbanland - An list of exploiters and TOS breaking users


Normally, when we see people exploiting, we normally just ban them. But there are two big problems with just doing this. First, they can just create alt accounts and come back. Second, they can just move to another game, and just exploit there. This resource aims to solve the second one. We have created an API to get users that we have caught using exploits/breaking TOS. You can than retrieve all the Users that we have collected, and do whatever you want with them. We will consistently update this, and it is very easy to use to ban everyone on this list, as this is an api endpoint:
Using HttpService, this retrieves an table of UserIds. It is up to you how you want to deal with the people on this list. This can be useful for people that hop around different games to break TOS.
Right now, we do not have any userids, and will start filling this with users we find in our games, and from other games. That’s where you come in:

If you want to contribute to this list, send me an DM. I will look into it. Please add evidence, as we do not want to just want to add innocent people to this list.

Thank you for reading. It is really up to you whether you want to use this. We want to build up this list, and eventually have an whole list of people to keep away from our games. To people saying that this is abusable, yes I know it is. I am just trying to help with moderation and keeping exploiters and TOS breakers away. Don’t use this if you don’t trust it. this feels like the whole “this proxy is bad” thing we had a few years ago. I mean it kinda is



Happy right to be forgotten.


The idea is great, but we need to trust you for our ban system? Especially for bigger games this is a big security issue.


the fact that this has been (unsuccessfully) tried multiple times, and this is probably the worst attempt out of all of them, i can’t see anything good coming out of this. I mean its not even a reliable api, because you have to wait for glitch to wake up.


This is 100% just spreading negativity for no reason. Give constructive criticism if you’re going to reply about problems. No one is forcing you to use any of the resources that people post, so if this isn’t for you and you have nothing constructive to add to the thread, then there’s no reason not to keep scrolling unless your goal is just to generative negativity or put others down.

Yield = unreliable? You’re going to freak out when you hear about async yielding methods in the Roblox API.

@ OP

I highly recommend adding reasons (plus some method of accessing accompanying evidence). Otherwise, developers have no way of actually addressing the question of “why was I banned” by any players on this list. Are they on the ban list for uploading a copyrighted audio (this is in violation of the TOS, like the thread title suggests, but a developer might not want to ban someone for this)?

Adding evidence also allows people to use your resource in a different way (e.g., manual input or selective banning), which I think many developers would feel much more comfortable with. For example, if I see an accompanying photo of a player harassing another with racial slurs and I’m looking to preempt some problems, that’s a no brainer for me to add them to my own ban list. If all I have is a UserId and no information on where these UserIds are coming from/why they are on the list, it’s more attractive just to use my ban list where I can better manage player support/appeals by having the reason for ban at hand.


I can make an appeal discord server. Also, if you have trust issues, please don’t use this. Don’t use anything you don’t trust

Here, it’s open sourced:

I will add evidence for everyone that’s banned into an discord server.

they are not wrong and they are just expressing their opinion and bring pretty good point

  1. theres no reason why this should be used when ban api exists
  2. human moderation is never relieable and can go wrong in many ways
  3. theres nothing stopping the person just creating or using new alt account

theres legit no reason why anyone should be using this when ban api exists and can automate moderation

truth sometimes hurt but thats how life works


listen, the fact is this has been tried so many times and each time it has been a disaster, with sites getting hacked or lists being griefed.

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youre planning to store the entire list in a table ? not even json file?

if you had 50-150 user ids in the table that would get messy really quickly

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  1. This doesn’t do the same thing as the Ban API - this is a list. They are meant to be used in tandem, not in place of the other
  2. All games rely on human moderation - either as the first line of defense or as the quality assurance/support side. There will never be a 100% accurate automatic solution. I think you’re misunderstanding the fact that this resource isn’t an automatic solution nor are the status quo tools provided by Roblox. Yes, it’s a list provided to you, but that doesn’t mean this isn’t just one layer abstracted from human moderation.

That’s not how the Ban API works. Anything automatically handled by the Ban API (syncing bans within the same experience, banning alternate accounts, automatic unbanning, etc.) has nothing to do with what this resource is about. Players | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Pretty sure OP was very clear about this.

Ban API is designed to prevent usage of the alt accounts (or at least make it more difficult) also most of the experiences do not rely on human moderation and try to automate everything as much as possible because automating is better and more reliable than the humans the humans can be biased towards certain situations and scripts can’t because they have no feelings making it far more reliable

Also the bigger the experience gets, the harder it becomes for humans to moderate it (which also proves that automating the moderation is not only more reliable its also more productive regardless of the size)

There legit no reason to why this should be used when ban API exists because ban API already automatically blocks alt accounts sure it can be bypassed but it’s more reliable than banning people based on random list created by bunch of humans

with all this being said i wish good luck and i appreciate the contribution

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The ban api does not work against alt accounts. numerous complaints in the thread and I have sent well over 50 examples to the security team. That part of it is completely broken unfortunately. It has, at best, a 15% detection rate from my testing with a friend who wasn’t even trying to bypass it. Simply logging out and logging in to another account is enough to get around it.

like all previous attempts to make a “ban list”, all of them fails. no one with significance backs these projects or even has the resources to attempt such thing on a platform with 88.9 daily active users

// Example data table (array of objects)
const dataTable = ["2690751130", ""];

also, please use an actual database like SQL if you’re going to make projects involving databases, using plain jsons will absolutely not scale and will cause performance issues, i’ve made that same mistake before, i regret it.

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sir yes sir. I am going to implement this today.

are there any examples of these?

yeah, this is risky. I dont think i can trust some random dude to send be a list of exploiters to ban, esspecially since it could be compromised and ban a ton of innocent people.

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can i see the devforum post?
Also im the only one managing this, so the chance of the token getting leaked is only slighly less that if i worked in an group