RbxCharacterSounds has issues with the "Running" sound

Note: this bug only occurs when R6 is on, no issues with R15.

The current sound script (RbxCharacterSounds) has a few issues that should be fixed. I ran into this while testing custom sounds for my game.

  • Walking sound doesn’t play on spawn. You must jump, fall, sit, etc for the walking sound to be played.
  • If stood still (perhaps walking) and humanoid:MoveTo() is called the walking sound doesn’t play. I am guessing this is caused because there was no humanoid state change.

To reproduce simply place down a spawn location, then walk around. You won’t hear any footsteps.


Correct. Please see this thread:

I am in the process of checking over bug reports and following up on some bugs that haven’t received any activity in a while.
Is this issue still occurring or can you confirm that this bug has been resolved?


I have tested and the issue still occuring

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Thanks. When there is more info i will pass it on.


To add onto this, if you are using R6 and you change the humanoid state to something like Physics or Flying (e.g. for custom swimming), if you were previously walking, the footsteps sound will continue to play and as far as I can tell there is no non-hacky way to prevent this.

State management for the running sound is not very robust.

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This issue is not fixed, any news?

Find this line of code in RbxCharacterSounds (use Ctrl+F and search for activeState)

	local activeState: Enum.HumanoidStateType = stateRemap[humanoid:GetState()] or humanoid:GetState()

And add this under the line of code

	if activeState ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.None and stateTransitions[activeState]  then
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