RBXScriptSignal error (help pls)

Hi, I’m writed this script in my game to test how it’s working, but it’s not. Script:

	if Player.UserId == 1780222949 then
		game:GetService("MarketplaceService").PromptProductPurchaseFinished(Player, 1803118567)

PromptProductPurchaseFinished is an event so it is not what you use to prompt the purchase. Try the following:

game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):PromptPurchase(Player, 1803118567)

Hope this helps :smiley:

But how to use the PromptProductPurchaseFinished func?

PromptProductPurchaseFinished is an event, not a function. It can be used to let you know when the purchase finished. You can read more about it here.