RbxUtility is broken so severely we had to shut down our game

We’ve had to completely shut down our game RoBowling due to RbxUtility breaking in local scripts, I’ve seen a few other posts on here concerning the same issues.

Our game relies on the library allot (start menu, matchmaking, interaction chatlog/UI’s) so we’ve had to shutdown the game during a big advertising spree which sent allot of players nuts/losing us expense


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You can try use the source code directly rather than loading in possibly changing code.

If the code here doesn’t work, at least you’re able to fix it then, to get your game up working again :slight_smile:

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It seems to be an issue with the :LoadLibrary method since every library is broken. I managed to fix the game thanks to people in this thread RbxUtility fails to load in client-side scripts usually in the nighttime

This should be fixed now

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