R.C. Security Rulebook and Group Info

All changes are justified, any complaints can be sent to @DeservingDeveloper

  • SECTION A - General Security Rules

Security members are not allowed to talk down to visitors or their comrades.

Security members are expected to address their High ranks as “Sir” or “Ma’am”.

All members are expected to know who their high ranks are.

No security member is to overreact when a high-ranking member joins the server, this includes spamming “Hello” or “Hi”, or constantly following them. This can lead to demotion.

No security member is to claim to be a higher rank than they are currently right now. This can result in a demotion.

No member of security is to intentionally do exploitive glitches, or use third party exploits, doing so will result in an exile and permanent ban from R.C. Security and it’s games.

All members of security are expected to show respect to each other and their higher ranks at all times. Even when off duty. Failure will result in demotion.

Always respect your superiors and never disrespect them at anytime or demotion will occur.

  • SECTION B - R.C. Official Games Rules

No member of security is to restrict visitors from using any machines. This can lead to getting demoted.

Do not take down visitors or attack them. Also do not kill people at any spawn area or it can lead to getting demoted to the beginner trainee rank.

Security members are expected to protect the facilities and members from raiders like R.C. [Raid Clan].

If a security member wants to go Off Duty he is expected to use the Member or Visitor team.

  • SECTION C - Uniform Rules

New Security Trainees are to buy one piece of the uniform or their request to join will be declined. The Basic Uniform will be 10 Robux total for Shirt and Pants. Not wearing at least a piece of the uniform in trainings can result in getting kicked from the training.

T-Shirts are acceptable, If the uniform is visible.

Packages are also acceptable, If the uniform is visible.

No non-relevant T-Shirts are to be worn with the official uniform or it will be resulted in getting kicked from a training.

No member of security is allowed to own an unofficial piece of the uniform (shirt, pants), owning an unofficial piece or set will result in a demotion or maybe even permanent ban.

No security member may own or wear a high ranking member uniform if they have not earned it. Failure to follow this rule will get you demoted to Beginner Trainee and points will be docked to zero.

Customized uniforms can be made, if they do not look terrible and ask @DeservingDeveloper about making uniforms.

Customized uniforms can only be used by Elite Tier Protector and above.

Listed below are the rules for trainings sessions for Trainees, Lobby Duty and Trainers. They should never be broken, and breaking these rules may result in demotion/exile. Any complaints are to be sent to @DeservingDeveloper.



The use of “PTS” (Permission To Speak) is allowed, however it is not to be spammed or you can get kicked from the training.

Trainees are not to publicly complain at their trainer’s current method of training, this includes the group wall and game chat.
(Complaints can be privately discussed with the trainer, or can be sent to @DeservingDeveloper.)

Security members are not allowed to ask for training sessions on the wall, or through private messaging, doing so may result in consequences and demotions.

Trainees+ are allowed to use the self-training during or after a training session, this is a reminder.


Using any form of weaponry on trainees without a valid reason is not acceptable. This can lead to getting kicked out.

Security members teamed as Lobby Duty are not high ranking members within R.C. Security, do not pretend to be otherwise.

The maximum number of Lobby Duty members are three, but if the server is full, the maximum number decreases to two members.

Trainers do not need to do Lobby Duty. This is a reminder.

Lobby Duty members are not to complain the role trainers gave them to make or this can result in getting kicked.

LD-15 Try to not die.

LD-16 Avoid leaving the lobby.

LD-17 Do not let trainees to STEP out of line. You are in charge of preventing that from happen and kill them if they do.

LD-18 It is recommended to tell the trainer before leaving a training if your Lobby Duty.

LD-19 If your tools (sword, railgun) haven’t been provided or have been lost, notify the trainer.

LD-20 Report to the trainer if a trainee have been misbehaving and have been told to stop multiple times. (Stepping out of line, jumping, spamming, scamming, etc.)

LD-21 When you are Lobby Duty, be prepared to ask questions from trainees.

LD-22 Do not mess around like killing trainees without valid reasoning, killing the trainer, insulting people, not doing your job and doing other things. It can lead to getting kicked.

LD-23 You are not allowed to participate in events unless the trainer says so. You are to guard the lobby and prevent trainees from breaking rules if you aren’t allowed to participate. Failure to follow this can lead to getting kicked and getting banned from the server


Use of any weapons on trainees without valid reasoning is not acceptable, this also applies to admins.

Trainers should at minimum, be hosting one training per week, This is a reminder to prevent you from getting demoted. Tell @DesrvingDeveloper if you can’t host weekly.

Make SURE to deal with promotions at the end of every training session or there will be consequences.

Ensure that you give commends to trainees who have completed events.

If you wish to create custom events, ensure that they are fair and balanced and not rigged that no trainee can’t complete them.

Do not kick trainees, unless at a last-resort. Not following this can result in temporary ban with possible demotion.

Do NOT promote anyone to a higher rank than Elite Tier Defender or demotion can occur with possible exile.

Hosts or co-hosts are not to mess around during trainees. Not following this rule can lead to problems.

New Trainers are to host two training sessions with a high rank or until higher ranks think they are ready to host independently.

Training supervisors are to supervise how much training sessions are being made by each trainer to register and notify the high-ranking members when they ask. They should not send them to host.

Do not betray the group.

There is no maximum amount of trainings that can be made each week. This is a reminder.

TR-22 Trainers are advised to make trainings both fun and serious (giving all items to have fun, ETP Party when there is a new ETP.)

TR-23 Trainers must make 3 Easy Events, 3 Medium Events, 3 Hard Events and 1 Extreme Event. Not doing this can get you to problems.


Normal Training: This is the most common type of training and the maximum commends are 20 and in rare cases, you can earn more than that. We will meet in Training Center.

Big Training: This type of training occurs every month and we meet in the Training Hub and you can earn up to 30 commends.

SUPER Training: This is a special type of training that is inspired by MEGA Training/Event by PBST and may get up to 50 COMMENDS if you both behave and complete every event. This only occurs every 2 months and is met in Training Hub.

Ultimate Training: A training that occurs every 4 months and the maximum amount of commends that can be earned is 100. Go to Training Hub.

EXTREME Training: A very special type of training that occurs every 6 months and is a challenge that the trainee with the most commends will get instant rank-up to ETP or tied with get ETP. This training always starts in Training Hub.

All-Executive Training: This training only happens once a year and the high ranks and executives will decide on a day to do this. Be prepared to earn 300 commends and impress your superiors. We do this event in Training Hub.

Last Updated February 22, 2023

For any questions or concerns, please contact @DeservingDeveloper