RDC 2021 - See You This October!

alright thanks for your help
is it like an “only famous developers get invited kinda thing?”

No not really… a couple of non famous people get invited.

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There used to be an application process, but I’m not sure if they do that anymore. There are definitely a lot of smaller developers there, but it’s by no means public. I for one haven’t made any crazy popular games, but I did make one of the old splash screens for studio and got invited because of that. It can be anything!


do you know anyone who got invited?
if so I would love to know

Nope I don’t. it would be cool if I could magically read who got invited.

Generally, folks who are invited will announce so on Twitter. Regular attendees range from highly technical people like Quenty/ScriptOn/Boatbomber to folks who are known in the community such as Evanbear1, and translators like Dronetto, to name a few off the top of my head.

Invites go in waves, with more well-known figures typically receiving theirs first. If you’re interested in seeing who is in attendance, Twitter would probably be your best bet.


Question do you still have to be invited for virtual event. Is there a way to watch without being invited?

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Yes you have to be invited for the virtual event as well as the in person event and We don’t know the details if they will live stream it this year.

Oh… Would be nice if they would just live stream it those that want to see it.

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Plus I’m new to developing, so there’s next to a 0 percent chance of me getting invited.

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this is all the way by October, so will I still have to be vaxxed in order to attend in person?

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Yes, you have to be fully Vaccinated.


I won’t get invited 100% but I hope to the people that did they have a good time there.

Please include more smaller developers like myself. Overall I’m very excited!


I hope they call me. I’m really looking forward to starting the RDC.

please call me. :+1:


Doubt I’ll get invited honestly. It’s pretty hard to snag a spot and it’s at an inconvenient time for many (middle of the semester). I hope to go and speak, good luck to all!

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How exactly do you get an invite?

Do you just get a Dm or what?

If so please DM me I’d be thrilled to go!


Nah I was invited before and no one even knows I exist lol

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i would definitely go to the in person one if i wasn’t a scared about planes and losing my sense of direction while there, if i got the invite :sweat_smile:

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I hope I get invited. This RDC will be my first one