RDC 2024 - Invite addressed to some other user I don't even know

Edit: This issue has been officially addressed.

Not entirely confident on whether this is the place to report this, so if not then please point me in the right direction.

I just received an invite to RDC 2024 and the first line is addressing me as some other user.

I have no clue who @Spirow734 is (i.e. we’re not connected in any way), and it’s just a bit concerning that I’m receiving an invite that seems to be meant for someone else because I’m not sure if that means the actual intended recipient of this message failed to receive their own invite.


It’s happening to everyone. I have an invite for someone else.


There’s some talk about this in private servers. In a nutshell, the invite is correct, the username is not. You should register using the link there, it is intended for you, there was just a mixup with the username and all of the invites went out with the wrong name attached. It has gone to your email correctly and as far as I understand it, the rest of the signup process is directly linked to your email. The name does not matter.

There will probably be a follow-up email about it.


Ah, gotcha. I was afraid to interact with it and mess up someone else’s invite somehow (which you made clear isn’t the case, so thanks!).

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It was confirmed by Rhyan:

Hey all, if you received an invite to RDC you may have noticed it has the incorrect username mentioned.

We are looking into this! Apologies for the confusion.

As @PeZsmistic said if you got the email it was aimed at you :slight_smile:

You have a invite for someone else? Can I get that invite pwitty pleeeez with a Tix on top. :pleading_face:

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