Would anyone want to team up with me? Im a old roblox builder from 2012, my discord tag is chrisxxxs1#5237
i just send a friend on discord
Game and UI designer here! I’m pretty good at scripting too.
If interested, Graffiti#3011
Looking to join a team
a modeller with 3+ years of exprience
can texture too
discord: Schnitzel#7604
Hi, I am looking to join a team. I am a scripter.
My discord is Jameserthegameser#7501
You can find my portfolio at: // -- OPEN BUT ONLY FOR SMALL PROJECTS-- // - Portfolio for Scripting
Hellow there! We are looking for a builder who can join us! Builder who build can build in realistic style is welcome! Please have a portfolio before contacting me on Discord :>
Discord: ExoticDev#2960
Looking forward to work with you - Builder
- Exotic
Hey i am astro 15/IST/ can work 2 to 3 h daily 4 to 6 max on week ends even 9h if interested i can build low poly and realistic builds Ik both are quite opposite but works looking forward to join a good Team Good luck all Discord
Astro space#0766
i am low poly builder and a realistic one hit me up Astro space#0766
Hello there,
-Would be Interested to work with us on a game for RGDC.
-We are Looking for an experienced Animator and Modeler!!
-Feel Free to join us!
Discord: BloxTag#7065
hit me up Astro space#0766 builder low poly and realistic 15/IST
hit me up Astro space#0766 builder low poly and realistic 15/IST i am in
hit me up Astro space#0766 builder low poly and realistic 15/IST 2 builders ?
[IGNORE, Im added to a team]
Hi, my name is Chams
I’m a scripter/programmer with 3+ years of experience in scripting. I would like to join a team that has a builder/modeler and GFX artist.
Message me on
- Discord: Chams#1672
- Twitter: DevChams
- Roblox: DevChams
Goodluck to all participants!
You can join my team. I can script and build with a couple years of experience.
Hey guys! Late notice!
We want to casually participate in this event and we’re open to anyone wanting to join our team. We already have a Modeler, Builder, and Animator. We’re still looking for a scripter.
Contact me on the devforum or on discord.
Hello! Very nice to meet you all! I am building up a team right now. I already have 2 people in the team. I was looking for a Low-Mid Poly 3D Modeller and GFX Designer! (You can dm me too if you have any other skills!)
My Discord is ErsterBrawler#8643
About me: Well, Im the owner of E.B. Roblox Development. I do lead 7developers right now and constributed in my carieer over 2,8 Bilion visits for studios like Cyox Studios, Shady Development, Signs Studios, Reqlas Studio, Coval Entertainment, Limitless Development etc. My skills are Game/Map Design, Building, 3D Modelling, Translating (German, English, Russia, French), Moderating, Music composing with my father, Project Management, retexturing and Teaching beginners how to use Roblox studio and the single sections of roblox studio (just some basics). I’m always there for every question and wish you guys a nice day
May i join your guys? Ill send you a request:
SquishyTheDuck#9618 btw
I can design UIs, help come up with a story, design models or builds, etc.
Discord: RBLXBrody#1150
Hi! I’m a 3D Modeler and I’m looking for people who want to join to my team!
For the moment we are just 2 members, a 3d modeler (me) and a scripter
If you are interested you can contact me in discord(Donas.#9412)
My portfolio
Looking for animator.
We currently have
dep#8996 - contact me