I can script for you! I have over 2 years or scripting and can build a bit too.
Hey there, I make GFX designs and I’m willing to join your team!
Currently looking for an Animator and a Composer. However, if you’re able to design UI’s and or script alongside the 2 skills mentioned before then that would be great!
If you would like some more information including some of my groups work then contact me on Discord: Bug#4885
Recruited, I wish you all luck and a happy RGDC!
Jack of all trades, years of in-depth experience under my belt, why not try this out?
Viable in:
* Programming
* Map/World Designing
* Graphics/Lighting
* Modeling
* Animating
* UI
* Overall Game Design
If interested, you may take me up on Discord Glitching Dreams#9048.
I sent you a fr on Discord, you would be great for the team
Heyo, I’m looking to have fun in this challenge and make a high quality game, get the participation medal, and maybe make some friends along the way?
So If anyone needs a team member for one of the following;
Building; ~4 Years Experience (First Started Date)
Modeling, ~4 Years Experience (First Started Date)
Scripting, ~4 Months Experience (As of Recent)
UI Designing, ~2 Months Experience (As of Recent)
Level Design/Game Design ~4 Years Experience (First Started Date)
& More!
Then send me a Friend Request on discord!
Although, I currently don’t have a up-to-date portfolio, I can show some past work on there if required.
– See you there! : D
Heyo, Team W.D.G (We Develop Games) Is looking for team members! If you’re a Modeler, or a UI Designer add me on discord and we’ll talk!
Our goal is to make a High Quality Game - and have fun while doing it!
Team Members:
@Attyuo2 - Scripter
@x5tb - Builder
@ CouldBeYou - Modeler
@ CouldBeYou - UI Designer
@ Someone - Animator [SPOT RESERVED]
Discord Tag:
Thanks for taking the time to check out this post!
Looking for a team! Read Below.
About Me: 6+ year builder
About 2nd Builder: also 6+ year builder
About Scripters & etc:
2 Scripters both over 2+ years of experience + UI Designer
Looking for:
- An animator
(With high levels of experience)
If you would like to join! Add me @ (skull#2022) (Copy That)
If the tag doesn’t work, please let me know and we can figure something else out!
Looking forward to win a prize!
Sure thing, I’d like to collaborate. I sent you a DM.
Hi guys!
I’m a builder, and I have some portfolio examples but they’re outdated.
Message me here if you would like to work with me, or want me to join a team!
Hello, I’m a scripter with pretty much 1 year of experience in Roblox developing but 2+ years in general development. I’m looking for modelers, animators, and artists for the games.
Haven’t chose the theme by now.
Discord: DevX#3686.
Hello, wanna join my team? Send me a message through Discord: DevX#3686.
I don’t really use discord anymore, I prefer devfourm messages.
Would u like to join my team?
As I said, I prefer devfourm messaging, you can message me tho, I’d be down to join.
right, just realized,
then it will be hard to communicate as the whole team is on discord,
have a great day!
I mean, i’d still be able to use it. (Sent friend request)
Can I join someone’s team I got no friends on the dev forum…?
I can Model, build Terrain, Build the map and can make basic UI
My Discord is KingDestroyer_4#2433
Hello! I am a builder currently looking for a team! If you are interested, message me or add my discord: nathannn#0463!
Hey there, Im a scripter with around 3 years on roblox. If you wanna collab add me on discord: aka#1186