Hey mates! I’m ExoticDev - Veteran Roblox GFX Artist… I can join your team!
ExoticDev(@ExoticDev_66) / Twitter
Portfolio website:
DM me on Discord if you want to take me as a your team member! ExoticDev#2960
Hey mates! I’m ExoticDev - Veteran Roblox GFX Artist… I can join your team!
ExoticDev(@ExoticDev_66) / Twitter
Portfolio website:
DM me on Discord if you want to take me as a your team member! ExoticDev#2960
Hey, I’m RelOriginal, and I do modeling, and renders. I am looking for a good scripter to join a team of three (or 4) DM me on Dizzy @Rel!#1647
Scripter looking for a partner / team.
My past work:
Discord senn412#3856
Hello! I’m a roblox scripter ShashwatTheGamer's Portfolio
And I am looking for a
-low poly builder
-ui designer
to join our team
We currently have a gfx designer
DM me with your portfolio too if interested Shashwat#0001
Hello! I am a scripter and I love programming! Anyone wants to join me or take me into their existing team? Let me know!
Hi! I am a scripter, I’d love to join!
Looking for a scripter for my team! Add me on discord: HurricanePlays#5248
Hi! I am a scripter, and I did love to join any team currently.
Add me on discord: HurricanePlays#5248
Anyone wants a scripter? I am willing to join you! I love scripting in Lua and I love programming!
Hi, I am looking for rgdc, yes im builder, programming
Dms me for infomation.
Discord: eric12095#8332
Hi! I’m looking for a:
UI designer.
My team currently has 3 people on it and we need to fill in the gaps. Add me on discord: HurricanePlays#5248
I’m a builder/modeler, looking for a team! Alec#0020
Hello developers,
If you want to be a part of my team in the fields of UI, Animating, Building and Scripting, you can send a private message here. As the leader of the team, it is important for me that everyone can work in harmony with each other.
If the game is liked after it is released and we win Robux, the developers are given a share of it.
Work and progress will be checked daily.
BASIC REQUIREMENT: Users must use Discord and have an account.
Fields we have:
Low poly models.
Since I am a programmer, we will do this work together and your task will not be too difficult. The person who can help me should have:
Have anice day!
Hello, I am looking for a builder and you are the one we need.
We already have a programmer with more than 7 years of experience and a 3d modeler who also makes melodies for games, if you want to join write me on discord.
Anyone down to be a scripter in our team?
Hello! Very nice to meet you. I’d like to team up with you, if you are still avaible. My disc is ErsterBrawler#8643. Thanks and see you! ;D
I’m interested, i have no experience in scripting neither animating so maybe i can be the low poly modeler. Say, can i show my work first before i join the team?
I can be of service as a low-poly modeler and logo maker.
Looking for our 5th Developer, You must know Building with advanced level and scripting or animate or modeling!
Contact me if you meet the requirements: Don#5186