RDDJ Matchmaking Thread

Hey, I’m a programmer looking to join/create a team. Whilst I mainly program I can still do a bit of animating, modeling, VFX and GUI work.
My portfolio is here: Talent Hub (*My portfolio is still a WIP).
You can contact me on Discord: Bug#4885

** Looking for 2 more members

Currently we have:


Looking for:

GFX Artist

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Yes you need to construct your team before Friday so the games can begin!


Hello there my name’s Dom. I’m interested in joining the team and i specialize in low poly modeling. My discord is: Domr#1165, before i can get accepted may i show some of my work?

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We only need a VFX Person now! You must be able to make good VFX and script

Contact me: Don#5186

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do you have a discord? that way it’ll be easier to communicate

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Hello. I’m interested in joining or creating a team. I have around 6 years of experience developing in roblox. I can 3D model, build, texture and compose. My discord is Mads#7766. I can show my portfolio there

My time zone is GMT+1

Found a team


I’ve been programming on Roblox for 8 years and currently code professionally.

Hit me up if you’re an experienced and mature (16+) modeler/map designer/animator wanting to team up!



I need a builder that can script and we can talk more in discord:

Don#5186 (We have a lot of talented devs already!)

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Positions have now been filled.

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I’m Yor_ick, and I can both build and model!
Yor_ick#4050 is my discord. Feel free to dm me!

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[IGNORE, Im added to a team]

Hi! My name is Chams, i’m an advanced scripter/programmer. I need a builder and modeller! We can team up with eachother :slight_smile:.

If you want to contact me feel free to add my Discord: Chams#1672
(If i don’t react message me on Roblox! User: DevChams)

Goodluck to everyone.


Yo, I’m an experienced composer. I’m looking for a really serious team! Hit me up at SubjectLoser#4683 on Discord. Or message me here.



Hi! We have ONE OPEN SPOT Left in our team. We need a programmer with experience to join our team. All of us on our team has over 3 years of experience. Here is our current roles.


If you have experience as a programmer and can script (especially UI scripting), then contact me on discord at:

Status: CLOSED

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We are currently looking for professional scripters with +1 years of experience, proficient in the lua language.

In addition, animators with +1 years of experience

You can send a DM to apply. :email:

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Hi! Are you still looking for a team? If so add me on discord! HurricanePlays#5248

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We are looking for a professional scripter with +1 years of experience, advanced lua knowledge. :scroll:

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Hello! Very nice to meet you all! I am building up a team right now. I already have 2 people in the team. I was looking for a good Scripter, Builder or another fantastic Modeller! (You can dm me too if you have any other skills!)

My Discord is ErsterBrawler#8643

About me: Well, Im the owner of E.B. Roblox Development. I do lead 7developers right now and constributed in my carieer over 2,8 Bilion visits for studios like Cyox Studios, Shady Development, Signs Studios, Reqlas Studio, Coval Entertainment, Limitless Development etc. My skills are Game/Map Design, Building, 3D Modelling, Translating (German, English, Russia, French), Moderating, Music composing with my father, Project Management, retexturing and Teaching beginners how to use Roblox studio and the single sections of roblox studio (just some basics). I’m always there for every question and wish you guys a nice day :grinning:

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[CLOSED]🛠️ Hello Developers! 🛠️

Introduction 👋


My name is 1x_Gacha, Co-founder and Head Developer of 1x_Studios! 1x_Studios is a relatively new game studios based on the Roblox platform. Always open to teach others, and looking for talents to work with us! We are based in the United States of America.

And, in light of the most recent Event, we are looking to participate! However, we’d like to make our team a bit more suitable for the event, hence we are looking for a few talents to fill in some roles!

About me! 😃

Aside from the previously mentioned details, you can find my portfolio here!

I am the current Head Developer of 1x_Studio, with over 5 years of experience in Programming. 4 Years of experience with Lua! I’ve worked as a Freelance scripter on Roblox for over 3 years! Currently I am a professional Programmer, working as a Automation Engineer, and a Software Developer. I am a certified Application and Software Developer in Java. I am also certified in Agile Development, using Scrum and Kanban.

I have further qualifications in Python, C#, Ruby, and Go! As well as JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Linux/Unix and Jenkins machines.

I am happy to work with any, and always open to teach what I know! I hope to make your experience with 1x_Studios both fun, and educational!

Looking for... 🧐

  • Builder
    • Portfolio required 📃
    • Atleast 1 year of experience 👍
  • Animator
    • Portfolio required 📃
    • Atleast 2 months of experience 👍
  • GFX Artist
    • Portfolio required 📃
  • Gui Designer
    • Portfolio required 📃

Would be nice...

Developers who can fill in more than one of the previously listed roles

  • SFX
    • Portfolio required 📃
  • Frontend / Gui Programmer
    • Portfolio required 📃
    • Atleast 1 year of experience 👍
    • Previous work ratings 📑
  • Roblox Scripter
    • Portfolio required 📃
    • Atleast 2 years of experience 👍
    • Previous work ratings 📑
    • Must be familiar with..
      • Roblox Physics Engine
      • Object Orientated Programming
      • DataStoreService / ProfileService

❗ Requirements ❗

  • Must have discord
  • Must have qualifying Email
  • Must be atleast 13 years of age
  • Compliance contract must be signed/agreed upon before onboarding
    • Compliance for Asset protection
    • Compliance for Copy right
    • Compliance for Intellectual Property rights
    • Failure to be compliant may result in unacceptance regardless of prospect
    • Compliance Contract will be properly retained during contracted period
    • Compliance Contract will be properly disposed, and removed of post contracted period
    • Compliance Contract will NOT require any personal, or otherwise sensitive information.
🛑 Disclaimer 🛑

Roles listed under the “Looking for…” list will take priority! Unless all roles are filled, roles under “Would be nice…” will not be accepted.

Unless the developer utilizes skills listed under “Looking for…”, and skills under “Would be nice…” the previous statement does not apply.

Benefits 💰

Developers who are assigned onto our team will enjoy…

  • Developer perks across all current and future games.
  • Priority commissions for future work
  • Offer for permanent position
  • $50 USD reward after the conclusion of the event, regardless of result.
    • MUST be atleast 13 years of age
    • Can be exchanged for $50 Roblox gift card
    • Will not be given if performance is not up to expectation
    • Can be split for $10 up-front, $40 post event if qualified for position.
    • All real money transactions are done through Paypal.

How to apply? 💬

To apply contact me ( @1x_Gacha ) via Developer Forum
Attach requested role, list of Skills, and portfolio.
Past work, or any other information will be requested after the initial request.

All information, and acceptance status/result will be communicated via Developer Forum.

Urgent, confidential, or sensitive information will be relayed via Email.

❓ For further information message me ( @1x_Gacha )! ❓


Anyone wanna collaborate for the participation trophy? My discord is MrCandyDev#1200.


hi I would like to team up with you im a ui designer
message me Shiaste#6135