Re-creating Madison Square Garden in Roblox

I’ve been working on this for about 2-3 weeks, and the part count is extremely high. I don’t mind that though, as I think an important part of making a sports stadium is having seats that people can actually sit in.


Wow, great work so far! However the high part count may mess up frames on lower devices, but other than that it almost looks like the real thing! I can already imagine players watching a hockey game in there!

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I think this is great so far, but I think you should add some things. Two hockey nets should be added at the two ends, and it’s hard to tell, but are can you walk from the benches into a locker room? If not then I think that would be a nice touch. Also if you want to make it look a bit more realistic, I think that you should add an outside kind of part, I’m not sure the word for it but it’s like the outside of the hockey rink, but still inside the building, I know that would make the amount of parts extremely high, and I might take a while, but it would look VERY good. Hope this help :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for your feedback! Yes, you can walk from the benches to the locker rooms. I will be sure to add more of the outside in the future.

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If you don’t mind me asking, how many parts does it have?

19,423 parts, sure is a lot, but the chairs are the biggest offender.

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