Re-designed Home screen when Roblox is down

Uh, i guess we know the use now

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:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:noice job

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Hahahahaha I knew it was gonna happen :joy:

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congratulations, roblox saw ur awesome post

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Wonderful, this seems like a total bruh moment :joy:

I mean it looks nice and clean but not something a game platform would have in my opinion

Done with it, here is the result:

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Me who doesnt know roblox is down until now

Wait so roblox has been down this whole time

thank god I do animations on blender than on roblox studio

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Is that Google Sans? Looks okay, just move the text down a little.

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It’s product sans, and thanks!

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Ah. I believe Google Sans (not to be confused with Google Sans Text) is the thing superceding Product Sans.

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Yeah it’s Product Sans Font, I used on the first post


Not going to lie this one from @roblox themselves is pretty swag

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Yeah let me quickly fix that screen

Roblox called the shots.
I responded.


This is VERY nice!!

I decided to do some video editing magic and add a little spice to it:


God damn :flushed:

A video-editing masterpiece indeed :flushed: :flushed: :flushed:


Honestly, this could really be used for the Roblox homepage. Looks really nice and it looks like you actually took your time with it. This actually looks like a genuine design made by the employees of Roblox. Keep up the work man.


Thanks, I appreciate your feedback on it. :slightly_smiling_face:

(yeah i’m a fast reader and replier lol)

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I also had a go at making a Roblox is down page. :wink:

(that QR code does work, by the way – why don’t you give it a try?)