Re-designed Home screen when Roblox is down

Because Roblox is down and I can’t keep going with my UI Designing.

I decided to “re-do” the Roblox Site when it’s down.
Going for a very minimalistic and clean look.
(Used both german and english version as an example)

How it looks on the site:
(Can’t do Light version because I can’t access the settings either.)

Feedback would be appreciated, first time doing this.

EDIT: Roblox called the shots.

I responded.


This looks really clean. ROBLOX should implement something like this when the website is down.


i like this v much it looks better than just watching a home page thats constantly trying to load when you have trash wifi


Thank you for the feedback :slightly_smiling_face:

I generally think I should lower the text size a little.

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Haha, true, I would rather have this appear than watching it load

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they already have they just never use it


That’s actually a good looking website downtime homescreen.

Just like how people started quarantine projects since they couldn’t go out into public, people are now making projects because they can’t go onto Roblox. :laughing:


Bro, this one is the best. I really want Roblox to use your UI design !!

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Whenever Roblox is down or something I just want to re-make it’s UI.
Looking forward to re-make the new Roblox Client UI next.

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Haha, thanks.
I wish they could use it, chances are most likely not.

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Legally - they can use it. And that will be good for both sides

but ofc they will not take your works, they would rather to make their own ones

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I would even allow them to use it, I just make these UIs for fun and at the most random times ever.
But Roblox is Roblox, they choose what to use themselves. :joy:


Found my next UI victim.

Time to spice it up.


If there will be ANY way to contact Roblox Web Designers, I wish you big luck to replace our UIs :sob:

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Thanks LOL

Going to have to find a way to convince them then :sweat_smile:


Expect another post with all the re-designed UIs in one post later or something :joy:

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What is the website: Site Offline - Roblox even for?

It has a place where you can enter characters, but what for?

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Yeah I don’t think it has any use for…

This looks really nice man. Would be willing to translate to Swedish for you if you want. It looks great, very minimal and gets the message out really quick.

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Thanks, you can if you want, I don’t mind.