Re-Enable Organizing Games by Date Updated

As a Roblox developer,. it is currently too hard to find a place that you’re working on that was created over 3 years ago, and is at the bottom of your games list because of multiple places that were created after it.

I’m not entirely sure why the feature was removed, but I feel it should be re-enabled to make finding a place you’re working on easier. I also feel when you click on “Create” it should automatically bring you to the Places tab, not the Games tab.

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Seems like the solution is to sort Games by recently published to resolve the problem directly instead of switching which sort is shown.

To see your oldest games, you can switch to the “Date Created” sort in Studio.

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I prefer using the website since Studio’s Games page lags for me.

I’m not entirely sure why though.

This could work - I’m not sure why they don’t have a sorting option available on the website.

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Otherwise switch to “Last Modified” to see your latest updated games.