RE: How to construct a tween, i.e. what exactly goes inside it?

Continuation of an earlier post, I am wondering on the specifics of constructing a tween properly, this is what I made based off wiki info (btw its incorrect)

local ShopTween=TweenService:Create(plr.PlayerGui.Shop.Weapons,, Enum.EasingStyle.Elastic,1.15), TweenSizeAndPosition(, 0,0.61, 0),, 0,0.2, 0))

In the exit button area Ill have it to where it detects until completed and proceed. but wiki isnt too helpful on how to construct it in its entirety

How I am trying to do it:
object, tweeninfo(parameters for style and time), tween pos and size for the designated object

Original Tween (done without local tween)

plr.PlayerGui.Shop.Weapons:TweenSizeAndPosition(, 0,0.61, 0),, 0,0.2, 0),nil,Enum.EasingStyle.Elastic,1.15)

I’m not really sure what I could add that the API reference doesn’t show already: Tween | Roblox Creator Documentation , Tween | Roblox Creator Documentation ,
GuiObject | Roblox Creator Documentation

In essence tweens are constructed like this:

TweenService:Create(part, tweenInfo, position)

You can make a tween size and position like this:

GUI:TweenSizeAndPosition(Size, Position)

You can list any additional information like easing style/direction after the position.

the thing about it is why does the following:

TweenService:Create(part, tweenInfo, position)

only have position to tween? I think I can manage without but its kinda weird why theres only position and not size (also I am referencing a gui object I hope it works this way) Ill test it sometime in the next few days.

tween info is a local to be created which can contain the following (I assume I can set things to nil i.e. easing style):

local tweenInfo =
	2, -- Time
	Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, -- EasingStyle
	Enum.EasingDirection.Out, -- EasingDirection
	-1, -- RepeatCount (when less than zero the tween will loop indefinitely)
	true, -- Reverses (tween will reverse once reaching it's goal)
	0 -- DelayTime

This is bad practice, and will result in memory consumption.

But that’s literally one of the ways you are given to tween…?

Just because it’s an option doesn’t mean it’s a good one.
I’m speaking from experience. If that doesn’t seem valid, then let data overrule anecdotes.

What would be the alternative when using GUI:TweenSizeandPosition? I’ve only ever seen it done like that (including on the API reference).

TweenService. TweenService can tween most properties, including those on GUI.

Right, which is why I provided info as to how to create tweens regularly, but the OP seemed confused between the two.

You can tween size as well. I just gave an example of a property you could tween.

I think I may have found a solution:

for the position area i put a local called “goal”

local Goal = {Size =, 0,0.61, 0),, 0,0.2, 0)}
local tweenInfo =
	1.15, -- Time
	Enum.EasingStyle.Elastic, -- EasingStyle
	nil, -- EasingDirection
	nil, -- RepeatCount (when less than zero the tween will loop indefinitely)
	nil, -- Reverses (tween will reverse once reaching it's goal)
	nil -- DelayTime


local ShopTween=TweenService(plr.PlayerGui.Shop.Weapons,TweenInfo,Goal)

some time later in script:


I will test it out when I have time.

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This is why it’s always a good idea to read documentation. The entire composition is explained on the Create function’s page. There are three arguments involved:

  • The instance you are tweening.
  • A TweenInfo object describing how the tween should look.
  • A table representing what the properties should be when the tween finishes.

Put those together and you have a tween. The last post you made resolves your question - to tween both with TweenService you’d have both a Size and a Position goal.

TweenService:Create(Weapons, TweenInfo, {
    Size = UDim2,
    Position = UDim2,
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