So earlier today I made a post asking for help with scripting guessing/points: see more information here.
And someone did point me in the right direction and was very helpful with providing information/script with the leaderstats. But something ended up happening which I’ve been trying to fix but can’t seem to figure out exactly what the problem is. Basically I guess something and instead of giving me 1 guess like it’s suppose to, it gives me 586 extra.
The points work but the guesses do not.
Here is the script that was edited.
door = script.Parent
function onChatted(msg, recipient, speaker)
local source = string.lower(speaker.Name)
msg = string.lower(msg)
local thecharacter = script.Parent.TheCharacter
local decal = script.Parent.Decal ----- Delete THIS LINE ONLY if you DONT have a DECAL. (IMPORTANT)
speaker.leaderstats.Guesses.Value = speaker.leaderstats.Guesses.Value + 1
if (msg == string.lower(thecharacter.Value)) then
door.CanCollide = false
speaker.leaderstats.Points.Value = speaker.leaderstats.Points.Value + 2 -- Adds Points value
door.Transparency = 0.7
decal.Transparency = 0.7 ----- Delete THIS LINE ONLY if you DONT have a DECAL. (IMPORTANT)
wait(2) ----------- How long you need to wait for the door to be visible again
decal.Transparency = 0 ----- Delete THIS LINE ONLY if you DONT have a DECAL. (IMPORTANT)
door.CanCollide = true
door.Transparency = 0
plr.Chatted:connect(function(msg, recipient) onChatted(msg, recipient, plr) end)
The part that was edited is the Guesses.Value portion and the Points.Value portion.
The script is located here:
It’s in the workplace in every door instance. What should I do? I’m just confused as to why the points work perfectly but the guesses are bugged.
You said that you have this same script on every door so it have this onChat event equal to number of door results in when player Chatted it will fire onChat event equal to your door number
The basic solution would be check if player is close to the door they’re guessing by doing
if (door.Position - speaker.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude <= 7 then --Check if player is not far from door more than 7studs
speaker.leaderstats.Guesses.Value = speaker.leaderstats.Guesses.Value + 1
(Btw I typing on Phone sorry if code block messed up)
Oh, I see the problem. I think for every chatted event for each script it fires because you chatted. I didn’t think of that sorry. I suggest what @RandomPlayerOne1 said by checking the door position or add a value (stage) that would work only if your on that stage.
Lets say you created a new value for your leaderstats stage
Then you did this:
door = script.Parent
function onChatted(msg, recipient, speaker)
local stageNumber = 1-- Change this for every stage
local source = string.lower(speaker.Name)
msg = string.lower(msg)
local thecharacter = script.Parent.TheCharacter
local decal = script.Parent.Decal ----- Delete THIS LINE ONLY if you DONT have a DECAL. (IMPORTANT)
if speaker.leaderstats.Stage.Value == stageNumber then
speaker.leaderstats.Guesses.Value = speaker.leaderstats.Guesses.Value + 1
if (msg == string.lower(thecharacter.Value)) then
door.CanCollide = false
speaker.leaderstats.Stage.Value = speaker.leaderstats.Stage.Value + 1
speaker.leaderstats.Points.Value = speaker.leaderstats.Points.Value + 2 -- Adds Points value
door.Transparency = 0.7
decal.Transparency = 0.7 ----- Delete THIS LINE ONLY if you DONT have a DECAL. (IMPORTANT)
wait(2) ----------- How long you need to wait for the door to be visible again
decal.Transparency = 0 ----- Delete THIS LINE ONLY if you DONT have a DECAL. (IMPORTANT)
door.CanCollide = true
door.Transparency = 0
plr.Chatted:connect(function(msg, recipient) onChatted(msg, recipient, plr) end)
Though I really don’t suggest my idea since it is going to kill you since it seems like you have 586 more stages. If this is the case I also suggest using @RandomPlayerOne1 's idea but also using the tag editor with Collection Service to reduce everything to 1 script since they all essentially do the same thing. Anyways that’s all I have.
Your script actually gave me an idea that is working! Instead of making another leaderstats value, I made another string value and have it equal the “stage” number.
door = script.Parent
function onChatted(msg, recipient, speaker)
local stageNumber = 4-- Change this for every stage
local source = string.lower(speaker.Name)
msg = string.lower(msg)
local thecharacter = script.Parent.TheCharacter
local stage = script.Parent.Stage
local decal = script.Parent.Decal ----- Delete THIS LINE ONLY if you DONT have a DECAL. (IMPORTANT)
if stage.Value == stageNumber then
speaker.leaderstats.Guesses.Value = speaker.leaderstats.Guesses.Value + 1
if (msg == string.lower(thecharacter.Value)) then
door.CanCollide = false
speaker.leaderstats.Points.Value = speaker.leaderstats.Points.Value + 2 -- Adds Points value
door.Transparency = 0.7
decal.Transparency = 0.7 ----- Delete THIS LINE ONLY if you DONT have a DECAL. (IMPORTANT)
wait(2) ----------- How long you need to wait for the door to be visible again
decal.Transparency = 0 ----- Delete THIS LINE ONLY if you DONT have a DECAL. (IMPORTANT)
door.CanCollide = true
door.Transparency = 0
plr.Chatted:connect(function(msg, recipient) onChatted(msg, recipient, plr) end)
Heres the new script!
So for each door and script I just have to update it and add another string value. It’ll be a pain but I do appreciate the help again!