Hello, I am Nvrman and I own a 17th century Canadian survival game called Frontier which is not too far from release. Our old scripter left and we currently need a new scripter who can fully complete the game. We currently have the Map, UI and a part of the game’s scripting complete but we are missing a couple of things.
- Fix & Implement a couple of things to our current systems (If not, you can remake the systems, but we want this game to be out soon)
- Remake a shop system
- Hunting system
- Script a couple of swords and guns and tools (Compass, spyglass, lantern, etc.)
- Some more stuff
The payment is negotiable but we prefer paying robux. We are willing to pay over 20k robux if you can get us what we are looking for.
- 14+ Age
- A good amount of experience
- Past work or portfolio
- A good understanding of the game we are making (we will help you with this)
You can contact us via discord.
Nv#2008 is my discord.
Once you have contacted us, please reply here listing your discord name because I have a lot of requests and its hard to see who is who. Have a great day!