I have a body mover that moves the cart, in sharp turns it rotates sideways. When it comes to a complete stop, I anchor the PrimaryPart, and set the orientation of all the parts X and Z to 0, keeping Y to normal. All the parts are un-achored and connected to the primary part using a WeldConstraint.
Here is the code sample:
cart.Main.Anchored = true
bodyVelocity.Velocity = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)
-- Wait for 10 seconds before reversing back
for _, parts in pairs(cart:GetChildren()) do
if parts.Name ~= "Script" then
parts.Orientation = Vector3.new(0,parts.Orientation.Y,0)
After a couple of rounds:
I tested just rotating the PrimaryPart using Orientation, but only the PrimaryPart would rotate, not the entire model, yet it all Welded with WeldConstraints…
Maybe I’m just taking the wrong approach to this bug…