Re-rename the new "Discover" tab

If you don’t want to call games “games” anymore, fine. I’m not making this topic to argue that or to change it back.

I would just strongly advocate for renaming the what-once-was Games tab to something more fitting than “Discover.” They don’t have to be called games to call the tab “Play,” and (EDIT: it seems the concepts of “playing” and “players” are being rebranded out of the picture as well) if you guys are serious about this Experience rebranding then I’d call it the “Experience(s)” tab to be more straightforward.

Besides any ulterior reason why this change is happening, I get the idea that Roblox is trying to remodel itself after platforms like YouTube and Spotify that have “Explore” or “Discover” tabs to ease new users into the site. Speaking up as a developer, I’m really just not for it overcomplicating the layout of the site since the Home page should be where Roblox recommends experiences for new users to discover, whereas the former “Games” tab properly encapsulated all game listings including searches.

I do believe a lot of consideration went into this change, but I doubt new users are going to see “Discover” and know by instinct that it’s the experiences page. It also doesn’t naturally match the wording in the search, e.g. “Crossroads in Discover.”


I agree that discover isn’t as obvious as ‘Play’ or ‘Games.’ To me, it seems like the focus of this update is to transition onto their focus of Roblox being used for all types of virtual experiences which may not be considered games or something that you ‘play.’ This came with other changes beyond just the Games button’s text change.

On pages for places, ‘Playing’ has been changed to ‘Active’ and ‘Max Players’ has been changed to ‘Max People.’

With a quick look, the word ‘Games’ has been replaced with ‘Experiences’ across the site. I imagine this is a decision that has had a lot of thought put into it, and while I also don’t like ‘Discover’ and have no ideas to contribute, I like the request, but I don’t think ‘Play’ suits the branding Roblox seems to be going for with this change. A recommendation that works better than ‘Discover’ and suits this new branding would get a lot further, in my opinion.


Remember guys its not game.Players its experience.Actives

Seriously though I dont get what the point of this is. Calling the tab “Discover” creates the illusion that it’s going to show new games that haven’t been shown to you before.

“Games” on the other hand is straight to the point and tells the user what’s on that tab.

If Roblox is trying to branch out from games, which I believe they are, the tab should be named something relevant to that category, and not vague. Why not just use “Universes” since thats been a term since 2013 to mark multi-place games


I only have a problem with players being called ‘Active’. That term doesn’t even fit there at all. None of these match the actual definition of a player. And the word is confusing too. If you’re a new player, it’s way easier to understand “Players” “Currently playing” than “Active”. What thing is active and what does the number mean?


Why not “Currently Online”, even thats better than Active.


Gonna be totally honest here. I get that they want to go towards the whole metaverse thing but, this change was rather sudden. Changing games to experience is a bit weird. Considering that the platform’s overall mission statement is “Roblox’s mission is to bring the world together through play.”. From a more literal standpoint, I never thought that you could play an experience. The whole “play” and “experience” thing are two words that seem really weird together.

For this request though, “Discover” seems fine since it’s a tab where you discover experiences which were previously games. I’d actually prefer “Discovery” over “Discover” but, that’s not that big to warrant a change.

This is weird imo. Another reason why “Discovery” would be a better word choice.

If any of the words in the top bar needed to be changed, it would be “Avatar Shop”. For years or how ever long it has been, it has been incredibly awkward. Two words when the rest are one is a really weird sight. Catalog was more clear imo simply because, that is what it is. It’s a catalog by definition. I hardly ever go on the site anymore so, I really don’t care what happens. Those are just my thoughts on it.

tl;dr - “Discovery” > “Discover”. “Catalog” > “Avatar Shop”.