Re-Uploaded Animation Breaking Motor6D Transforms


A while back I created a system for animating arms in realtime by specifying a target position.
This would make the hand reach for that position, while the rest of the arm is animated in a realistic fashion.

The system uses Inverse Kinematics [IK], but to add a bias to this IK process I initially play an animation. This animation stops the arm from bending in the wrong direction.
The process of animating is as follows:
Play Bias Animation → Solve IK Points → Adjust Motor6Ds

I decided to revamp the system, but have had problems with the bias animation.
All I have done is import the old working bias animation, and reupload.
Absolutely no change has been made; they should be identical…?

This somehow broke the Motor6D transforms, as it appears the animation is overriding them.

This is the old animation, and how everything should behave:

This is the reuploaded animation, with literally nothing else changed:

As you can see, it is playing the bias animation but not allowing for the Motor6D transforms to be editted.

Has there been a recent change that stops animations from being overwritten by Motor6D transforms?

Remeditations I have tried:

  1. Trying different animation priorities. The old bias animation priority was Action1.
  2. Checking output, theres nothing.
  3. Ensuring animations are correctly loading.

Thanks for reading and for any suggestions!

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