Re-using Internal Studio UI for Plugin Development

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to create effective Plugin Widgets without having to re-invent the wheel.

I’m currently working on an internal plugin for Studio, which aims to make interacting with Components (Tags) and their associated Instances’ Attributes easier.

I started looking into creating Widgets for Studio and have come across some great resources to help with the creation of the Widget UI, such as:

The purpose of this is that I’d like to replicate the “Attributes” view from the Properties tab of an Instance in Studio in this Plugin Widget. Think of the TextInput box or ColorPicker, but as part of a Widget. There are currently 14 Attribute Types, meaning it would be painstaking to re-implement them all from scratch.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I would be able to create plugins more effectively.


For what it is worth, the Properties widget is not written in Lua and so we wouldn’t be able to export that anyway until someday it is.