I think Roblox has limited this amount to 2 Search Ads.
From a few test searches I can’t see anything with over 2 search ads, as you can see in the following examples:
Another example where the game searched for still appears in the top left corner with a big icon.
Only next to that, you see the maximum amount of 2 Search Ads.
I think I am correct about the 2 Search Ads per search, however none of my information is verified, this is purely based on a pattern I see. I haven’t seen over 2 Search Ads appear.
This is so ignorant and tone-deaf, like why even ask for our feedback when you don’t actually listen to it, everyone just wants the user ads back which you sunset to force everyone to the more expensive advertising option, this new sponsored ad system is only good for the large studios, so you might as well just have smaller focus groups with them instead of acting like you really care what all of us plebs think.
Audience estimation for search ads is now available in Ads Manager. Audience estimation will show the approximate number of Roblox user accounts your search ad could potentially reach over a month, based on the keywords, budget, and bids you set.
Moving forward, Sponsored Experiences will no longer be placed within search and will only be displayed on Home. We’ve seen that a very small volume of impressions for Sponsored Experiences come from search, and there is higher user engagement with search ads compared to Sponsored Experiences within search. This change doesn’t affect live Sponsored Experience campaigns.
This is an amazing advertisement method for anything in general i just wish it was something that was possible to do for items on the catalog for accessories/layered clothing
Is there a way to, in ad manager, view what search terms are getting the most hits? I’ve gotten decent results with an ad using a variety of relevant search terms, but it’d be incredibly useful data for me to be able to know which of those search terms lead to the most plays. That would help me improve the search terms I’m advertising for, without having to search for single individual terms repeatedly to see the results - It’d really be nice just to see that information within a search ad’s statistics. Thanks.
Ha, you should have seen the ‘Experience Portal’ ads I did a while ago. It was so unnatural that I reported it as a bot attack - The combination of the only people using Portals on their games being cut-rate shovelware slop or branded experiences (No real developer wants to send their players to other people’s games via portals!), and the fact that roblox doesn’t make any attempt to spread out ad spending, and it granted me a giant 500-player boost to my game… filled with the most braindead, probably-not-even-real players imaginable - For about 5 minutes. After that 5 minutes was up, the ad was over, budget spent, and all the players gained had vanished.
It was embarrassing. It literally algorithmically broke my game and caused a recess in player count for at least a few days after. Because it pumped all of my budget into the first few minutes of running the ad, and spent my ad money on some of the lowest quality sources it possibly could.
Is there an easy way to actually see all of the search terms used in a search ad after it’s completed? For some reason the only reference seems to be a truncated summary which only list the first few terms. Similarly it would be nice to see the analytics for which actual search terms resulted in clicks vs not when using multiple.
Classic. Roblox removes search results under 70 and 30 on mobile. (there are more than 40 games of each genre roblox)
This company is becoming 10000% greedy disgusting really. If i was 15 again I would never ever download studio please this platform sped run to corporate top 40 games only and destroyed small devs!