Reactor core game (devlog)

Wow, this looks absolutely amazing! Im a small game dev and I always really like these realistic core games! I would really like to make games like these,

Keep up the good work!


I was gone for the past few days and made the basic ignition and prototype core.

Edit: I just noticed the floating cables, I’ll fix that


What a pretty atmosphere! It feels Titanfall2 Inspired and I love it.


it’s good but i don’t really like the walls in some of the hallways. it looks really bland and could use some more detail

(to put it in context im talking about the first images)


Yeah I know, I’m not detailing them yet, once I get the main idea figured out and the game done I’ll come back and detail it.

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updated some bad stuff


the crane is just a placeholder


The reactor sequence, atmosphere and buildings look very nice.
Also what does ARFR stand for? (im curious)


Well, I made a revamp of the core, so it looks more industrial than this one. ARFR was just a random acronym I cobbled up. It stands for ARmina Fusion Reactor cus yeah

Some more progress on the cavern


I’m just saying, you can do much better with the walls; the textures look like they’re from the first half-life game.

The signs could use a border for better identification rather than looking like it was sprayed painted. Make sure the text font is consistent with other said signs.

There could be more assets that would fit into the game’s theme. The build/assets should influence players to explore, so make sure you add details that are noticeable to lure in the players for a satisfying sense of exploration.


Yeah, I’ve noticed that too. I will revamp this section and post it here to show the improvements.

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Wow, this looks absolutely amazing! Keep up the work and you can make your game get pretty big its awesome!


This is an amazing reactor facility! I’d suggest improving the reactor.

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i think making a mesh text would be better since you can make it of concrete, but if not you can use the GUI fonts but make it a lil transparent

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Wow, this is great! reminds me a bit of Isle.

I’d suggest improving the reactor in order to fit the industrial design of the facility.
GTR: Underground Facility would be a great source of inspiration for your reactor design.

I’d also change the lighting and add fog to the reactor.

WOW!! Your models and other stuff are incredible! I wish i could model like you, you need to get a medal!!! :1st_place_medal: :1st_place_medal: