Reactor core game (devlog)

Hello! I’ve been working on this core game more the past few months, and I thought to show you some of my progress.

also inspired by NACER_RPG’s core game

also still very unpolished and basic rn

Give me suggestions please!

do you think that this would become a good game?
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  • No

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It’s your opinion and I respect it, but please tell me where I can improve.


Wow it is an amazing map ! Good luck for the Core


super realistic


Heya, if you need developers, I can help! Looks very good!!!


Made a generator room


Wow, this is really well done! I’m curious about where you got the inspiration to create this!


Q serf and NACER_RPG’s core game. You can find that on devforum


Made a office sector


Great map!! Black Mesa vibes :smiley:


I have added a new section to the game.


Heya there! Great attempt going so far. I really love the style and look of this game.
Quite surprised with the uprise of core games nowadays since they died down a while ago.

The increase in detail and skillfulness with each developer making such game keeps impressing me honestly. However, I wish modelling skills were the end all, be all.

What’s your gameplay prospects with this, what will the player be able to do here?
Since it’s a core game, what failure scenarios do we have other than reactor meltdown?
What’s the game loop here basically?

I appreciate a good build every once in a while but if there’s no gameplay concepts laid down, even basic gameplay loops, you will struggle to implement gameplay scenarios to your builds. You may be modelling and creating facility sections that will end up being unused!


Right now, I am focusing on building the facility. Once all the main aspects are completed, I will move onto scripting. The doors and elevators are all scripted. I appreciate your advice and I will use it to my fullest extent. Right now instead of the cheesy red ball laser reactor, I am focusing on a more realistic tokamak style fusion reactor. I am still thinking about the events.


New area:

This goes to the classified zeta-one sector and the fan control rooms/fan generators


Updated the ventilation systems




Made a reactor control office


Glad to hear you’ve got some of the dictionary laid down on core games.
Red ball cores are traditional to hell and seeing you go for a more modern approach is certainly a breath of fresh air.

However, since you’re still early in your development stage and haven’t set on a reactor you should research the type of reactor you want to implement and see whether your facility’s functions line up with the reactor requirements. Don’t hinge on one type specifically.

Just know, if a reactor type doesn’t fit your agenda, you can look for any other architectures or make your own reactor architecture. (As crazy as that sounds!)

Notes on making a proprietary reactor architecture;

  • You don’t necessarily need scientific research to back it up, this sounds counter-intuitive but this is a game, not a reactor simulator. QSERF’s DMR is a fictional reactor architecture. It’s all made up!

  • As long as you can base your reactor’s operation on some plausible sounding science, go for it.
    Nobody will pull out a calculator to prove you wrong, this is a community of developers all working to satisfy players in wacky ways with fun explosions and events, not a community of university students trying to publish their creation to the magazine of science.

  • Be creative, work with any type of power generation! Heat, pressure, electromagnetic radiation!
    This is a kurzgesagt reactor idea not used anywhere as far as I know of, I’ve provided the following video as an example on sci-fi reactor fundamentals, you’ve most likely seen the video already.

Though a black hole most certainly doesn’t fit your facility’s theme.

At the end of the day, the best process is to plan as you go. I’ve worked with plenty of developers in the core community (please avoid the core community discord servers) and none of them thought up the entire facility and gameplay on the spot. Everything is better off when done in moderation, that does include planning. Don’t overthink it.

As always, have fun in the developing process! Every milestone is a small victory, a win is a win.
I’ll be rooting for you in the background.


I appreciate your kind words! Yes, traditional reactor core red ball things and “Power Lasers” are not really professional and I want to make this as realistic as possible, like QSERF or even better. I will use Kelvin as the temperature unit, since its the most “science-y” and I won’t be putting black holes because physically, that would not make any sense. There are such things as micro black holes but they are so tiny that they aren’t important enough.


Add the demon core and a usable screwdriver


Hmm, not sure that vertical text sits right with me. It feels stretched vertically.
We aren’t japanese so reading text that is segmented vertically is possible however uncomfortable and not a smooth read.

Considering the space constraints you have on that part specifically I’d suggest going for a 90° tilt on the “SECTOR” text instead.

Our eyes are used to reading complete sentences, not segmented letters.
See whether this approach works out for you for the better?


Looks amazing so far, I’m a huge fan of industrial type builds. In terms of suggestions, I would highly recommend looking at examples of brutalist architecture online (they act as huge inspiration for me when I tackle facility themed builds). Use a ton of concrete textures and flat edges to really sell that industrial feel. Also, when using bright colours (e.g the yellow on the text) I would recommend fading it slightly - it really improves the sense of realism.

However it looks really good so far, keep it up!