Read message notifications

Once I click on a new message notification it brings me to the message as it should, I read it, then I’ll most likely archive it if its not important.

If I archive the message, then go back to the notification list and click on that message’s notification it’ll bring me to the inbox with an empty message by ROBLOX and not the sender. with the link being:
Log in to Roblox [id of the message here]

though if I go on the archive and click on that message it was supposed to bring me to it has a link of:
Log in to Roblox [ the message position in the archive from newest to oldest, newest being 1 ]

Can replicate and confirm this, though due to code freeze there won’t be a fix for it until January 2017.

cc @Caelestene

This no longer happens now this happens:

When you get a message click on it from the notification thing, then when your on the PM page click archive
once you’ve clicked that go in your inbox to make sure its not there anymore
while your in your inbox look at the message thats #1
ok now go back to the notification thing and click on that message notification
it’ll bring you back to the page for the message
Click archive
now go to your inbox
that #1 message vanishes, not in your archives nor is it in your inbox


We’ve made a ticket for this and will be investigating. Thanks for the report!


Is this problem the reason that the “Archive” button now doesn’t appear on messages if you go to them via notifications? Can you confirm whether it’s temporary/intended?

Not intentional. I filed a bug for this! Good catch.

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