Simply put:
I’m making a system where the script prints out the ranks of the players who aren’t in game.
Issue is though, the HD Admin source code makes it so that you can only see the rank of players who are in game.
Did look for solutions on the developer hub, didn’t really work because I couldn’t find anything relating to my problem.
local player = game.Players:WaitForChild("wesellmcsofficialacc") -- this is meant to be replaced with the offline player, but i can't do so
local hdMain = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("HDAdminSetup")):GetMain()
local hd = hdMain:GetModule("API")
local rank = hd:GetRank(player)
print(player.Name .. " should be equal to " .. rank)
How do I do this?
Can you please send the code of hd:GetRank? It may be modifiable to work for offline players
I can’t exactly modify the HD Admin MainModule right now…
It’s meant to work with the required version of HD Admin and not the MainModule version.
[also, I physically cannot find it…]
I could MAYBE use DataStore, but it always returns a Rank of “0” in the table
you can use a hacky way to access the datastore
local main = _G.HDAdminMain
local DataVersion = main.settings.PlayerDataStoreVersion or "V1.0"
local DataStore = game:GetService("DatastoreService"):GetDataStore("HDAdminPlayerData"..DataVersion)) end)
local Player = 1
local PlayerData = DataStore:GetAsync(Player) -- key is userid
warn(PlayerData, PlayerData.Rank)
then you can use the api to convert id into name