Real life situation to use meta tables?

Hi, i’m curious where i can use meta tables. I wan’t real life situation. Everyone means it’s powerfull and it makes you can make crazy things with tables, but i really find their way into template values, i can hold functions in modules or tables itself soo, for what i can use them?

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  1. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): You can use metatables to create classes and objects in Lua. Each object is represented as a table, and the metatable defines its behavior. This is useful for building complex systems where you need to encapsulate data and methods.
local Person = {
    name = "",
    age = 0

local PersonMetatable = {
    __index = Person

function Person:new(name, age)
    local obj = {}
    setmetatable(obj, PersonMetatable) = name
    obj.age = age
    return obj

local person = Person:new("John", 30)
print(, person.age)
  1. Operator Overloading: Metatables can be used to overload operators like +, -, *, etc., for custom types. For example, you can create a metatable for a complex number type and define how arithmetic operations should work.
  2. Custom Data Structures: You can implement custom data structures like stacks, queues, and linked lists using tables and metatables. This allows you to encapsulate the data and provide methods for manipulating it.
  3. Module Systems: Metatables can be used to implement a module system where you can group related functions and data into a table, allowing for better code organization.
local MyModule = {}
MyModule.__index = MyModule

function MyModule:new()
    local self = setmetatable({}, MyModule)
    return self

function MyModule:sayHello()
    print("Hello from MyModule!")

return MyModule
  1. Custom Iterators: You can create custom iterators for your data structures, making it easier to traverse and work with complex data.
  2. Caching and Memoization: Metatables can be used to implement caching and memoization techniques to improve the performance of your functions by storing and reusing computed results.
  3. Event Systems: Metatables can be used to implement event systems, allowing objects to register and trigger events.
  4. Proxy Tables: You can create proxy tables that intercept read and write operations to perform additional actions, such as logging or access control.
local data = {}
local proxy = {}
proxy.__index = data
proxy.__newindex = function(t, key, value)
    print("Writing to key:", key)
    data[key] = value

setmetatable(proxy, proxy)
proxy.example = 42 -- This will print the key being written to

These are just a few examples of the many practical applications of metatables in Lua. They provide a way to customize and extend the behavior of tables and can be particularly useful in designing modular and organized code structures.

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ok thanks, i’ll use this to optimize game.

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