Realisic Car Physics

How does one make realistic car physics similar to the cars in Forza Motorsport 7?


What do you mean with car physics? Please, expand a bit more your thread information and what you want to achieve :slight_smile:

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I want to have it so the acceleration and the braking and things that that are realistic.

I think this belongs to the #help-and-feedback:scripting-support category, and I think you can manage some scripts of the actual Roblox’s car engine to create realistic car physics!

Okay, I changed it. Thanks for reminding me about that.

This could help you:

Scripting good, realistic car physics requires an in-depth knowledge of motion physics and math. It’s not an easy thing to do but can be easily approximated without much knowledge of physics. I recommend looking around for more resources but that’s a good starting point.

The second link is an easy way to approximate physics without too much physics knowledge, but isn’t that realistic as you can see by the title of the page.


Oh boy! I haven’t considered the math side of it. Thanks for the link!