Realism — Make your games feel more immersive!

I have added this to my project and it really makes the game more dynamic. One thing I’ve been wondering is that how would I instead of the rotation being based on the camera change it to mouse position and wanted to this on the clone of the character? Having the local script parented to the StarterPlayerScripts makes it tough to do it on the character clone. Btw my end-goal is to clone the character for a viewport frame and make it face the mouse position.

Hey there i was just wondering if there was any way to make it so the arms are not affected by this code? (aka i have my own fps arm script but id like to keep the body visible while the arms remain unnafected by this script)

in a local script you could probably loop through the children of the player’s character, determine which are the arms and set the arms to be transparent using:

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i dont know how to do this and i tried everything but how can i change the yaw and pitch when the character is sitting?? i dont want them to move the torso while driving

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Tried to download the ZIP file but it said it contained malicious files. :thinking:

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that’s likely because this file isn’t commonly downloaded, or because of a false positive. you don’t need to worry about that, realism doesn’t have anything in it that can hurt your computer


How do i make the hands stick outward more?

but I want my r6 character move both arms

Thank you so much for making this! :smile:

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Hello, wanted to know how I could change the camera offset, because of what I noticed, the camera seems to much up, the camera seems to be over the head, which makes impossible making gun aim animations, and i dont know if its hallucination but as a put the gun aim animation more up and up, the camera goes up and up too, so its impossible to match the camera with the gun


Is there any way to temporarily disable the module for certain actions? For example if your in a cutscene or something similar, I’d want the look angles to be disabled to let the animation play out, then re-apply the look angles again after the cutscene is finished. Is that possible or…?

Edit; nevermind! sorry, I found out a really simple method to do this. All you have to do is add a pause variable, and in the updatelookangles function, whenever the pause value is true, set the pitch and yaw to zero.


Hi, does anyone know if there is a way to prevent players from looking through the walls when they are looking downwards next to it? Thanks. :slight_smile:

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is it possible to add a sound for a custom texture?

pretty sure sounds don’t have textures

whoops, i meant the other way around

well yeah it’s definitely possible then

For crediting you, does it have to be in the game description? I was wondering if I could put it in my ‘Credits’ UI inside of my game. If in-game credits is a no-go, what if I were to create a ‘Credits’ topic on the Bulletin Board section and link that in my game description/group description?

in-game credits menu is fine, but description would be better


I noticed while holding a tool such as a sword or drink it moves the left arm up forward and back when looking down or up and putting the tool away it freezes it in place. I’ve set all pitch/yaw to 0.0 but it still does it.

Anyone know a fix?


Is there a reason the range optimization is on the client and not on the server?

(Line 159, might be different but close, from my editing)

if owner ~= player and dist > 30 then

Instead of FireAllClients on the server, I wrote this:

for _,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
			if v:DistanceFromCharacter(player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position) < 30 then
				setLookAngles:FireClient(v, player, pitch, yaw)

If you have a 100 player server and they’re all moving their camera, it’s wasted network usage if you’re handling range on the client.